To the destination
A scientist must be objective.───科学家必须客观.
It is not enough to tinker at the edges; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system.───只在外缘做一些小修小补是不够的,我们的目标必须是重建整个系统。
Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.───获胜不是这项体育运动的主要目的。
We have no real, objective, scientific evidence for our belief.───我们并无实际、客观、科学的证据支撑我们的信仰。
They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.───他们被要求对这些陈述作所谓“客观”的评价。
It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.───这有助于他们从所面临的问题中跳出来,变得更客观一些。
The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.───目标是对98%的生活垃圾进行回收利用。
I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.───我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。
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- objectively define
- objective reality
- objectively defined
- subjective vs objective
- objective complement
- objectively definition
- objective lens
- objective assessment
- employment objective
- objectively evil