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n.云计算(Cloud Computing)是一种新兴的商业计算模型。它将计算任务分布在大量计算机构成的资源池上,使各种应用系统能够根据需要获取计算力、存储空间和各种软件服务。





quantum computing───量子计算

closed community───[植]郁闭群落;闭锁植物群落;封闭群落

closed companies───股份不公开的公司;股份不公开公司

closed communities───密生群落

personal computing───个人计算

close companies───股份不公开的公司;股份不公开公司


What is cloud computing anyway?───云计算究竟是什么?

Cloud Computing: storage, databases, and optimization for computing in a massively distributed environment.───云计算: 存储 、 数据库 、 巨型分布式计算优化.

Last October, IBM announced a partnership with Google to provide cloud computing gateways to universities.───去年十二月份, IBM宣布将于谷歌一道为大学提供云计算门户.

My personal view is that, before forming cloud computing industries, all of these models are feasible.───我个人的看法是, 在云计算产业成型之前, 上述所有模式都可行.

Initially, cloud computing platforms are attractive for their low - cost development and deployment capabilities.───最初, 云计算平台的魅力在于它们的低成本开发和部署能力.

Why Shift Towards Cloud Computing?───为何向云计算转移?

The rationale: Cloud computing, virtualization and storage will drive demand.───理由: 云计算, 虚拟计算及存储将驱动需求.

What do you mean by cloud computing?───你想通过云计算表达什么意思?

And compared to competitors such as Google, Microsoft's cloud computing services, which have unique advantages?───与谷歌等竞争对手相比, 微软的云计算服务都有哪些独到优势?

But the outlook for cloud computing isn't all clear skies just yet.───但展望云计算是不是所有的晴朗的天空刚刚还.

Cloud computing break out: Compared to its brother buzzwords, cloud computing is just beginning.───相对与云计算的兄弟概念而言, 云计算只是刚刚兴起.

Cut the cost of running a datacenter - Cloud computing improves infrastructure utilization rates and streamlines resource management.───削减正在运转的数据中心的成本 — 云计算改善了基础设施利用率和流线型的资源管理.

So how does an individual or a business advantage of the cloud computing trend?───那么个人或企业又如何来充分利用云计算的优点 呢 ?

At a basic level, cloud computing is simply a means of delivering IT resources as services.───基本上, 云计算仅仅意味着将IT资源作为服务来提供.

He thinks of cloud computing differently.───他对云计算有不同的看法.

Data in the cloud - More than just compute utilities, cloud computing increasingly about petascale data.───云中的数据 — 不仅仅只是计算工具, 日渐增长的大规模数据也是云计算的重点.

All videoand multimedia content is hosted on cloud computing which means it's fast, un - interruptible service.───所有的多媒体档案都在“云端运算”主机架构上,意思是说又快又不会断掉.

Is Cloud computing that new?───云计算是新出现的吗?


Massively parallel, cheap cloud computing reduces both costs and time to market.

Responsibilities: Develop and maintain security products background system, and provide strong support for "Cloud Storage" and "Cloud Computing" Requirements: 1.

In cloud computing, information is housed remotely by centralised providers rather than on users'computers.

Reduced cost: Cloud computing can reduce both capital expense (CapEx) and operating expense (OpEx) costs because resources are only acquired when needed and are only paid for when used.

As you've learned, full-blown cloud computing is a massive transition for both businesses and consumers, and many challenges must be overcome.

The operation of cloud computing service is down when the network breaks down or becomes slow when the network gets bogged.

Cloud computing and cloud storage provide a new way of thinking to the library network storage solutions.

If cloud computing was ultimately about a programming language, basic understanding would lead you to actual coding.

OFFLOADING your software and data to a cloud computing service has never been easier.

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