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词汇 closed off
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close off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账

closes off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账

clocked off───打卡以记录下班时间

crossed off───从…划掉,删除

choked off───窒息

clawed off───狠狠地打击;离岸

closed out───抛售(停业);(航空器发射前进行的最后)关闭

coned off───v.用锥形信号标明

cooled off───变凉;平静下来


The area where the explosion occurred was closed off by police.───爆炸发生的地方被警察封锁起来了。

The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion.───爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。

She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor.───她重新粉刷了楼下的房间,并把二楼封上了。

But last Thursday, Mr. Rajoy closed off that possibility. He said he would not hurt the elderly by reducing pension payments.───然而上周四,拉霍伊却排除了这种可能性。他说,他不会削减退休金,伤害老年人。

Acting on the information they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the bank robbers.───根据所获得的情报,警察封锁了街道并且抓获了抢劫银行的罪犯。

Each cabin and head should have some kind of ventilation, especially if the space can be closed off from the rest of the boat.───每个船舱和浴室都应该有某种通风设施,尤其是当如果这个地方与船的其它地方隔开的时候。

Around downtown areas that had been closed off a few days ago, more shops were open.───在几天前被封锁的市中心附近,有更多的商店开门营业。

The highway out of Chengdu was closed off by the time we made it to the turn-off so we travelled on a local road.───我们到达路口时,成都外的高速路封闭了,于是我们改走地方公路。

An air passageway leading from the powder location to the dispersion chamber is closed off by the cover.───从粉末场所通到弥散腔的空气通道被盖件封闭。


The workmen closed off the street for repairs.

Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators.

The street was closed off for too many cars.

The police have shut/closed off all streets leading to the city.

The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.

Police quickly closed off the area.

Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.

Lots of people closed off the street yesterday when I went home.

One lane of the road was closed off by traffic cones.

  • closed pants
  • closed in case of rain
  • closed caption
  • closed shop
  • closed up
  • closed loop




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