clove hitch───卷结;酒瓶结(一种结绳法)
clove hitches───卷结;酒瓶结(一种结绳法)
feed stock───原料
half hitch───半结
She loved classical music and Impressionist paintings, but her favorite artist may have been Alfred Hitchcock.───她喜欢古典音乐和印象派画家的作品, 但她最喜爱的艺术家可能还是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克.
Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.───在自己的影片里短暂露面是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的特点.
Movie director Alfred Hitchcock was known for his cameo appearances in his own movies.───导演艾佛瑞德?希区考克以在自己的电影中客串演出闻名.
In his new book, the Girl in Alfred Hitchcock's Shower, Graysmith suggests that Kenneth Dean Hunt was a Psycho obsessive who wanted to kill Leigh's body double but got the stand-in by mistake.───在他的新书《阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克浴室中的女人》中,肯尼斯·迪恩·亨特被影射为一个人格分裂患者,他想要杀掉李的身体替身,但却误杀了她的替身演员。
The role model for indignant managers is the film director Alfred Hitchcock.───义愤填膺的管理者的榜样是电影导演阿尔弗雷德?希区柯克AlfredHitchcock).
Director Alfred Hitchcock releases his first film, The Pleasure Garden, in England.───1927年的今天,导演艾尔弗瑞德·希区柯克在英国发行了他的首部电影, 《快乐园》.
If it were, the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Woody Allen, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Alfred Hitchcock and Kathy Bates wouldn't have succeeded.───如果会的话,诸如埃莉诺·罗斯福、伍迪·艾伦、Ruth Bader Ginsberg、阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克、凯西·贝兹就不会成功。
Hitchcock created some of the most arresting images in film history.───柯克创造了电影史上一些最引人注目的影像。
The director of Psycho was Alfred Hitchcock.───《惊魂记》的导演正是艾弗列?希区考克.
ALFRED HITCHCOCK once said that his job was to provide the public with beneficial shocks.───阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克曾说过,他的工作就是给大众提供有益的惊奇.
Mr. Carpenter is a horror movie director like his hero, Alfred Hitchcock.───卡本特先生与他的偶像阿尔弗雷德·希奇科克一样是一位恐怖电影导演.
Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.
- alfred hitchcock