

词汇 你想要苹果和橘子吗用英语怎么说
释义 你想要苹果和橘子吗用英语怎么说

Do you want apples and oranges


想要───to want to;苹果───Apple


Their faces said, were they not noodles to want to go?───他们的脸在说,如果想去他们会不会是傻瓜?

She was too well-bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.───她太有涵养了,以至于不想去伤害这个小男孩的感情。

They seem to want to fossilize the environment in which people live and work.───他们看样子想把人们工作和生活环境陈腐化。

Some chilly are heard at the beginning of my flavour, a bit inhospitality uses if to want to maintain a distance with other of purpose.───我的味道初闻有些清冷,些微的冷漠仿佛有意要与他人保持距离。

People still really seem to want to go see movies and I think attendance is going to be quite strong.───人们仍然似乎真的想去看电影,我觉得出席将是相当强烈的。

The taciturn Texan, known as "Big Ed" , seems to want to repeat his success by rehabilitating another fallen colossus of American industry.───这位被称为“大亨艾德”的沉默寡言的德克萨斯人,似乎有意通过扶起美国工业中倒下的另一个巨人而再下一城。


Are you saying it is somehow freakish to want to stay single?

What they seem to want to do in fact is fossilize the particular environment in which people live and work.

I have ten thousand kinds of reasons to want to love you less now you can love an excuse.

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