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词汇 class system
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class systems───阶级制度

case system───个案教学法

alarm system───[自]报警系统

caste system───种姓制度;等级制;阶级制度

flawed system───有缺陷的系统

air system───空气系统;压缩空气系统;通风系统;集中式通风系统

block system───[铁路]闭塞系统;分段建造法;分区开采法


Their structured class system included chiefs, priests, physicians, and commoners.───他们的部落阶级分为酋长、祭司、巫师及平民。

Tied in with the objectives system is the class system.───系统关联着“职业”系统。

She believed in the fixity of the class system.───她坚信阶级制度恒定不变。

To compare the American class system with class systems in Europe, it helps to understand the semantics of identity .───要比较美国的阶级制度与欧洲的阶级制度,首先应该了解身份的含义。

Europe still had its old class system. It was the home of the landed aristocracy, of palaces and royal families.───欧洲仍然保有其古老的阶级制度。欧洲是有产贵族阶层的故土,宫殿和皇族的所在地。

After development of two years, Confucius Institute Islamabad has already established complete class system.───经过两年多的发展,伊斯兰堡孔子学院已经建立起完善的课程体系。

And actually, over these 150 years, there has been a very clear class system that also has emerged.───实际上,在这150年间,有一个非常明确的阶级制度也出现了。

In school, I have been among the best achievements in the class system as a single class on behalf of the post.───在学校里,我成绩一直名列前茅,在班中担任制单课代表一职。

The resentment against this two-tier class system has risen as a more assertive generation of workers fill these cities.───随着更加自信的新一代农民工涌入这些城市,对这种二元体制的愤恨之情也有所升温。


People accepted the class system as part of the natural order of things .

She believed in the fixity of the class system.

The class system is all but dead.

That vanished with the old class system.

The class system in Great Britain encourages people to be very aware of their social standing.

Some elements of the old class system still remain.

The old class system is slowly disappearing.

The teddy bear knows no class system ... and acknowledges no international borders.

But they have helped to preserve the class system in Britain.

  • classicalism philosophy
  • class begins
  • class six a
  • class mat
  • classification systems
  • class 1-a
  • class parties
  • class distinction
  • classes of matter
  • classic works
  • classy mask
  • classification crossword
  • classman or classmen
  • classes google classroom
  • class blog
  • classic card
  • classical guitar
  • class I
  • classification variable
  • classificatory historical period
  • classic care




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