n.<美口>时髦或世故的城市人( city slicker的名词复数 )
city slicker───n.(时髦世故的)城市人,城市滑头
chip slicers───切片机
city chicken───软煎鸡肉;牛猪肉片交叠串烤肉
arse lickers───舔屁股者
ass lickers───舔屁股者
beta blockers───β-受体阻滞药(治高血压和心脏病的药物)(betablocker的复数)
card stackers───堆垛机卡片
cat crackers───催化裂化器
Yep, I told Susie not to go out with any of them city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes.───是的,我告诉苏琦不要和那些圆嘴滑舌、衣着讲究的城里人出去玩。
The intend to prevent people -- speculators, property developers, city slickers -- from borrowing large sums of money.───他们打算阻止人们 —— 投机商 、 房地产开发者以及精明的城里人 —— 借用大笔资金.
Fear not, a growing army of city slickers will have higher incomes and consume more.───担心,城市人队伍将不断壮大,收入将越来越高,消费也会越来越多。
I told Susie to avoid those city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes.───我告诉苏西不要和那些油嘴滑舌、衣着讲究的城里人出去玩。
He's an unappealing throwback to the days of '80s City slickers.
- city plus
- city team
- city parks
- city bus
- city of london
- city life
- city state
- city room
- city moves
- city of shapes
- citylab uf
- city mall
- city danger