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词汇 alcoholic beverages
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alcoholic beverages发音

[化] (复)酒精饮料



alcoholic psychoses───酒精性精神病

nonalcoholic beers───非酒精啤酒

alcohol abusers───酗酒者

alcohol sales───酒类销售

alcoholic drink───酒

alcoholic psychosis───酒毒性精神病;酒精中毒性精神病

alcoholic solutions───n.醇溶液;酒精溶液


nonalcoholic beer───非酒精啤酒


regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages───含酒精饮料的销售管理条例

Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.───诺韦洛说大学生每年会在各种酒精饮料上花费42亿美元。

These stores do not permIt'sales of alcoholic beverages.───这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料.

All alcoholic beverages should be rigidly prohibited.───应该严禁一切含酒精的饮料.

Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.───宾馆的休息室供应酒类饮料。

Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.───酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。

Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.───诺韦洛说大学生每年在酒精饮品上会消费掉42亿美元。

No drinking of alcoholic beverages including beer or wine.───学生不准喝任何带酒精的饮料包括啤酒或红酒.

The brightly lit bar supplies a fairly limited range of alcoholic beverages.───那个灯光明亮的酒吧供应相当有限的酒精饮料.

One more advantage: Alcoholic beverages enjoyed with a meal are usually sipped, not chugged, which means you \\ \\ \\ 're less likely to become inebriated.───还有一个优点:就餐时享受酒精饮料通常是小口喝的,而不是咕噜大喝,这就意味着你极少可能会喝得烂醉了。

We do not sell any alcoholic beverages.───我们不出售含酒精的饮料.

The generic term for wine , spirits and beer is ` alcoholic beverages '.───葡萄洒、烈性洒、啤酒的通称是酒类饮料.

Non - alcoholic beverages such as sodas, water and fruit juices.───不含酒精的饮料,例如苏打水, 水和果汁.

laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages───控制酒类销售的法规

Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.───禁止出售含酒精的饮料.

Use of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.───宿舍内不可饮酒及使用非法药物.

Don't provide alcoholic beverages. Alcohol lowers the body's ability to retain heat.───不要提供含有酒精的饮料. 酒精会降低身体保留热量的能力.


The group's core business is premium quality alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.

California has required health warnings on all alcoholic beverages and in all premises that sell alcohol.

We do not sell alcoholic beverages.

Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.

About 40% of alcoholic beverages sold through retail outlets was spirits and 45% was beer in 1989.

Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.

We do not sell any alcoholic beverages.

The tremor is markedly suppressed by alcoholic beverages.

  • alcoholic beverage
  • alcoholic fermentation
  • alcoholic dementia
  • alcoholic fermentation equation
  • alcoholics anonymous meetings
  • alcoholics anonymous




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