He is reading a poem
A : Yes , the teacher says recitation is real good.───是的, 老师说背诵课文真的有好处.
The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections.───评分后的作业将在复习课中发回.
Did you like recitation?───你喜欢朗读.
This section includes a sampling of the topics discussed during recitation.───此处列举了一些复习课程中所讨论的问题.
Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation.───报告相关图像资料的影本应于课程开始之前分发.
Assignments will be issued in recitation and collected the following week.───作业会在复习课中指派并于隔周收回.
Recitation problems cover material discussed in the corresponding lecture sessions.───复习的问题涵盖了相应课时讨论的内容.
Modern Chan Society ; Amitabha Buddha Recitation Society; religious movements; sect ; charisma; tension; Li Yuansong.───现代禅; 净土宗弥陀念佛会; 宗教运动; 李元松; 领袖魅力; 紧张关系.
During this week's recitation section meeting , one member of each team gives 5 minute progress report.───每组派一位组员于本周复习课中以5分钟报告进度.
Organized activities as conducting recitation contests and holding evening parties etc.───组织社团活动,如举办朗诵比赛及节日晚会等.
a monotone recitation of names.
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- 朗诵一首诗用英语怎么说
- recitation class
- recitation definition
- recitation lab
- recitation 4
- recitation antonym
- recitation contest
- recitation discussion
- recitation of the divine mercy
- recitation 2