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词汇 circular motion
释义 circular motion
circular motion发音






circular function───[数]圆函数;[数]三角函数

circular mil───圆密尔

circular mils───圆密尔


circular functions───[数]圆函数;[数]三角函数

circular error───周期误差

circular file───废纸篓


There are many examples of circular motion in nature.───自然界中有许多做圆周运动的例子.

Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.───双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动.

It is particularly important to understand forces that act in a reference frame in circular motion.───特别重要的是,我们一定要搞清楚在作圆周运动的参照系中起作用的那些力.

What is uniform circular motion?───什么是匀速圆周运动?

from the uniform circular motion.───从匀速圆周运动来看。

The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought.───匀速圆周运动的信念已深入希腊人的思想中.

Enhanced visceral massage function: bathing after abdominal smear lotion, massage clockwise circular motion.───增强内脏机能的按摩: 沐浴后,在腹部涂抹润肤液, 按顺时针方向转圈按摩.

This stone will do circular motion, rather than doing a straight - line motion.───这样石头就会做圆周运动, 而不是做直线运动.

Circular Motion as the Basic Motion of Animals.───“转圈运动是动物的基本运动方式”.

Half a minute, the picture was pulled from the strict and circular motion on either side.───半分钟后, 不兵画不面双方拽不松,匀速下落.

Massage gently in circular motion over face.───按摩轻轻的圆周运动的脸.

Let's now turn to uniform circular motion.───现在我们讲讲匀速圆周运动。

Because data is stored a spiral fashion, users should avoid wiping the disc a circular motion.───因为数据是以螺旋方式储存的, 用户应避免以环行的运动方式来擦拭光盘.


Rub the cream in with a circular motion.

The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought.

Clean the windows using a circular motion and finish up with a clean, dry piece of newspaper.

With shoes off, make a circular motion with the feet to the count of 10, Levi suggested.

He made a circular motion with closed fingers.

When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.

Thus the poem has a circular motion corresponding to the circular shape of the object it describes.

Einstein's elevator; Artillery range; Uniform acceleration and circular motion using dimensional analysis.

The oscillating screen moves in a circular motion.

  • circular economy
  • circular functions
  • circularity gage
  • circular motion
  • circular flow chart
  • circular view path




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