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词汇 cinder block
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cinder blocks───(美)煤渣砖;煤渣砌块


cylinder block───气缸体;气缸柱;气缸座

clinker block───煤渣砌块

cylinder blocks───气缸体;气缸柱;气缸座

clinker blocks───煤渣砌块

cinder track───煤渣跑道

line block───绳滑车;线路码组

tinted block───着色块


One May evening, Waldo and I sat on the lawn in front of the cinder block house.───一个五月的晚上,我和沃尔多坐在一座煤渣砖房前的草地上。

I think my wife packed a cinder block in there.───我想我太太一定是在里面放了煤块。

The new structure faces south and looks towards a restored sauna built from cinder block.───新建筑朝向南侧,可以看到从煤渣块改造的蒸汽浴室。

Some cinder block walls appeared to have collapsed and most windows were shattered in the once gleaming residential block.───在这个曾经一度光鲜亮丽的居民区,一些煤渣墙看来已经倒塌,大多数窗户已经破损。

Brennan: We have your fingerprints on a cinder block that was used to break into her trailer. Also, blood.───我们在一块砸进她房车的砖头上发现了你的指纹。还有血咧。

Computers and other equipment share space with a treadmill and stationary bikes in a room of painted cinder block.───计算机和其他设备以及跑步机和固定自行车在一个粉刷过空心砖的房间里共用一片地方。

Another type of block replaced clay bricks in the late 20th century. It was the Cinder block, made mostly with concrete.───在20世纪晚期,另一种块材取代了粘土砖,这就是所谓的煤渣砌块,它们大都由混凝土制成。

I lay on my bed, legs propped up against the white cinder-block wall, desperately wishing my mother would call.───我躺在床上,双腿架在白色的烟道墙上,绝望地期待着妈妈来电话。

the cinder block and place the brick with the carpenter's sponge , sand paper and duct tape on top of the sponge .───将家用海绵放在空心渣煤砖上(作桌子用),上面依次放置砖头、木匠用海绵、砂纸和胶带在海绵之上。

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