chord progression───和弦进行
geometric progressions───[数]几何级数;[数]等比级数
harmonic progressions───[数]调和级数
word processing───[计]字处理;文字处理
word processings───[计]字处理;文字处理
geometric progression───[数]几何级数;[数]等比级数
acting professions───演艺专业
Some chORd progressions in Skempton's pieces seem to derive from the natural way the hands fall upon, OR move across, the keyboard.───中的许多和弦进行曲似乎来自于手指的自然落下或手指在琴键上的自然滑动。
Also, most Western pieces of music have chord progressions to which the melody conforms.───同时,大多数西方音乐作品的旋律要符合和弦数。
How do we hear chord progressions?───我们要怎样才能听到和弦进行?
Some chORd progressions in Skempton's pieces seem to derive from the natural way the hands fall upon, OR move across, the keyboard.───他作品中的许多和弦进行曲似乎来自于手指的自然落下或手指在琴键上的自然滑动。
Chord progressions are free to use, even if you think you create a new one you're really just reusing one that someone else used.───弦进行式可以自由使用,即使你认为自己创造了一种新的进行式,你实际只是使用了别人用过的东西。
Death metal may include chromatic chord progressions and a varied song structure, rarely employing the standard verse-chorus arrangement.───死亡金属主要包括半音和弦的演进和多样的歌曲结构,很少使用标准的节歌-叠歌(即主歌加副歌)形式。
The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance .───瓦格纳在作品中对和弦进行及不协和音实行了令人咋舌的创新,这是他作曲的特点。
His best known, the headache-inducing/soothing Great Gig in the Sky, contains jazzy seventh chords, but is really just a series of beautiful chord progressions, and not jazz in any meaningful way.
The etudes focus on "rhythm. " Each etude introduces an idiomatical rhythm in the jazz style. The etudes are based on two different chord progressions.
The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance.
The score trades in the familiar chord progressions, sticky rhythmic motives and unremitting polyphony.
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