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词汇 chief executive officer
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chief executive officers───首席执行官;总裁

chief operating officer───首席营运官

executive officer───主任参谋,执行官

chief operating officers───首席运营官

chief petty officer───军上士,军事长

executive officers───行政官员;副舰长;执行首长(executiveofficer的复数)

Chief Education Officer───首席教育官

chief academic officer───首席学术官

chief executive───行政长官;董事长;美国总统;(美国的)州长


In 1942, Jiangsu Institute Medical Parasitology was established, he and Chief Executive Officer and develop postgraduates.───1942年, 江苏医学院成立寄生虫学研究所, 他兼主任,并培养硕士研究生.

For combining technical expertise and leadership skills helm ISF as its Chief Executive Officer in 2006.───余国隆集技术专业知识与领导才能于一身,于2006年擢升为联洲总裁.

The female CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) is a connoisseur of installation art.───那位女总裁 ( 席执行长 ) 个装置艺术的行家.

The writer is the Chief Executive Officer of OUB Asset Management Ltd.───作者是华联资产管理公司的执行总裁.

The Vice Chairman is the Chief Executive Officer in the absence of the Chairman.───副董事长在董事长不在时代理最高行政负责人职务.

Nahed Taher was chief executive officer of Gulf One Investment Bank.───赫德·塔赫曾是海湾第一投资银行首席执行官。

In 1994, he became Chief Executive Officer of Esso Benelux, a large Exxon affiliate in Europe.───1994年, 他成为首席埃索比荷卢, 一个在欧洲的子公司大埃克森执行主任.

Are you a chief executive officer ( CEO )?───你是个首席执行人 吗 ?

Who is the Chief Executive Officer ( CEO )?───首席执行官是谁 ( CEO )?

you a chief executive officer (CEO)?───你是个首席执行官吗?

ITT was stagnating when Geneen became the chief executive officer in 1959.───1959年吉宁出任行政总负责人时,国际电话电报公司正处于不景气时期.

Association chief executive officer Mr John Vines said Monash's reputation helped graduates get jobs.───该联合会首席执行官约翰,万恩表示,莫纳士大学的五星级的声望帮助了学生获得.

President, chief executive officer, board of directors establish overall direction. Senior operating manager assure regulatory compliance.───董事长, 总裁, 董事会成员确定总体方针. 高层运行管理者确保对法律的遵守.

He is a former chief executive officer of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.───他是国家聋哑人技术学院的前任首席执行官.

John Germ is president and chief executive officer of Campbell & Associates , Inc.───泽恩 是坎贝尔联合工程顾问公司的执行长.

Chief executive officer Grant Crothers said, "We remain vigilant with the high Australian dollar depressing returns."───首席执行官格兰特·克罗瑟斯表示:“我们对高澳元压抑回报率保持警惕。”

They prepared a big dinner against the return of the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation.───他们准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐,为公司首席执行官的归来接风.

Before his successor will be American Orr State Insurance company, chief executive officer Edward? Leidy.───他的接任者将是美国奥尔斯泰特保险公司前首席执行官爱德华? 利迪.

Citibank President concurrently chief executive officer Lodz expresses the agreement to Liu Mingkang's words.───花旗银行总裁兼首席执行官罗兹对刘明康的话表示同意.

The Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) of this corporation voted against the investment plan.───这个公司的首席执行官投票反对了该项投资计划.

The confederacy had no official head or chief executive officer.───联盟没有一长制首长,即没有主掌执行权的首脑.

Heidelberg China Ltd Chief Executive Officer , Mr Choi liancheng explains.───海德堡中国有限公司首席执行官蔡连成先生解释道.

S . dollars . Bank chief executive officer Robert Steele is known as the " hot potato. "───银行首席执行官罗伯特·斯蒂尔则称之为 “ 烫手山芋 ”.

A Chief Executive officer is not necessarily someone who has had a lot of formal training.───公司的首席执行官未必都是经过许多正规培训的人.

The University is headed by a Rector, its chief executive officer.───该大学由一个校长担任领导, 他是学校的主要执行官员.

President Zhang Chaoyang incumbent Sohu Corporation board of directors concurrently chief executive officer.───张朝阳现任搜狐公司董事局主席兼首席执行官.

As President & Chief Executive Officer , Postolos oversees all facets of the organization's business operations.───作为总裁 和 CEO, 波斯特洛斯掌管该组织商业运作的所有方面.


Fourth, a chief executive officer should be appointed as the undisputed head of the paid officers of the local authority.

And Ed Prince is the chief executive officer of his own prosperous and admired corporation.

It gave Becton the title of chief executive officer and conferred extraordinary powers upon him.

Marriott will remain chairman and chief executive officer with law, finance and corporate relations departments continuing to report to him.

Most recently, he was chief executive officer of Cibus Pharmaceutical Inc., a privately held drugdelivery company.

George Fisher, chief executive officer of Kodak Company, quoted from Ecclesiastics.

McGrory is now chief executive officer of Price Enterprises.

Under the direction of chief executive officer Roberto Rodriguez, the medical center is in the process of reinventing itself.

In 1971 he was named president and chief executive officer.

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