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词汇 change clothes
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baggy clothes───宽松的衣服

clean clothes───干净衣服

grave clothes───寿衣

long clothes───长衣服

shabby clothes───衣衫褴褛

shade cloths───遮阳网

sponge cloths───海绵擦布

cycling clothes───自行车运动服

fatigue clothes───工装


Can you change clothes comfortably?───你能很舒服地换衣服吗?

There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.───没时间洗澡或换衣服了。

I didn't have time to change clothes before the party.───我没时间在聚会前更换衣服。

"Always use a little extra Christmas money, " replied Roger Junior. "Let me change clothes and I'll be over in a few minutes, " he said.───“总要花掉一些圣诞节预算之外的钱。”我的儿子小罗杰回答道,“我先去换衣服,几分钟后就到。”他说。

Some women change clothes, others sit quietly for a minute or two getting in touch with their feelings.───有的人换一身衣服,有的人安静地坐几分钟与自己的心灵对话。

In the days after rain, a bike, will remain with the mud, splash is sometimes have to fold back to change clothes, no good mood all day.───在大雨后的这几天骑车,一不留神,就会将残留的泥水,溅得满身都是,有时不得不折回去重新换衣服,弄得一整天都没有好心情。

She had gotten a run in her stocking when she broke the heel of her shoe, and had had to change clothes.───在慌乱中她扭坏了鞋后跟,只得穿着袜子在屋里跑来跑去,匆匆忙忙地再换一套衣服。

What lets me wonder more is that fact that you change clothes like everyday, thus, you left me a deep impression.───更让我好奇的是你几乎可以说是天天换衣服,因此,你给我留下了深刻的印象。

Basically reflect the almirah between the ambry in the kitchen, change clothes and corner of sitting room corridor use on.───主要体现在厨房中的橱柜、更衣间的衣橱以及客厅过道转角的利用上。


There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.

I didn't have time to change clothes before the party.

Because enter the inside mural ark between type change clothes to use open form more, all clothings are exposed outside, very easy desultorily , one ins disorder.

They replace change clothes of wealthy businessman bath, put him forcedly into bier.

Chest refines change to the function, gain ground more between change clothes, dresser decrescent.

  • changeless promise
  • changeableness dictionary
  • changeability meaning
  • change do for you
  • change it all
  • changer delangue
  • changeful meaning
  • changes in me
  • change state
  • changeableness antonym
  • changed walkthrough
  • changes tonally
  • change engine
  • change position
  • change things
  • changer langue windows
  • change up
  • change of
  • change on
  • changes synonym
  • changer langue




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