chance on───偶然发现;巧遇
handed on───转交;传递下去
changed down───放慢车速
chance upon───偶然遇见;偶然发现
changed man───变了个人
banged on───飞中目标;了不起
banked on───指望;依赖
I chanced on my ex-girlfriend in Paris!───我在巴黎碰巧遇到了我的前女友!
I chanced on this old photograph in his drawer.───我在他的抽屉里偶然发现了这张旧照片。
They chanced on a dying Wolf.───他们偶然遇到一只奄奄一息的狼。
I chanced on this old photograph in the back of the drawer.───我在抽屉的顶里头发现了这张旧照片。
When the storm subsided, the divers tried their luck for sponges in the local waters and chanced on the wreck.───风雨平静后,潜水夫们在当地水域寻找海棉试试运气,却意外发现了沉船。
There he chanced on a first edition of the handbook.───他在那里意外地发现这本手册的第一版。
Thumbing vaguely through it, he chanced on a chapter called "The Death of Birth" , about the extinction of species.───由于大致地翻看着这本书,他偶然发现了关于物种灭亡而称之为“出生的致死原因”那一章。
I chanced on a copy of the collection of Shakespeare's poems in the library.───我在图书馆中偶然发现了一本莎士比亚诗集。
Guess who i chanced on while i was in the city today?───你猜,今天我在城里碰到了谁?
I chanced on this old photograph in his drawer.
I chanced on an old friend.
There he chanced on a first edition of the handbook.
To tell of what he chanced on was against his creed.
I chanced on a copy of the collection of Shakespeare's poems in the library.
There they chanced on the ruins of a temple, where among the broken walls an old monk had established his hermitage.
I chanced on an old school friend in town.
- chanced on