

词汇 cash cows
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n.摇钱树( cash cow的名词复数 ); 现金牛; 可使人致富的生财工具


cash cow───摇钱树;巨大财源

cash crops───经济作物;现金作物;商品作物

cash flows───[会计]现金流量(cashflow的复数)

cash mobs───现金暴徒

a cash cow───摇钱树

cash bonus───[会计]现金红利

cash books───n.现金账簿;现金收入日记账


Sinai's rocky wastelands prevented the Bedouin from reaching their area's main cash-cows: the peninsula's tourist resorts, its oil installations and its giant cement factory.───在西奈这片荒芜的土地上贝都因人无法将其势力范围触及到当地最富庶的东西:半岛上的旅游业资源,石油资源和大型水泥厂。

Uganda's press made much of people giving Mr Besigye cash, fruit and even cows, suggesting widespread support for his fourth campaign.───乌干达媒体则重点报道了民众给贝西杰捐钱捐物的场景,暗示后者的第四次参选获得了广泛支持。

Special up cash cows have spending power people nationwide.───专门开辟主打有消费能力人士的专版.

conclusions drawn from such an analysis are to transfer the surplus cash from a conglomerate’s cash cows to the stars and the question marks, and to close down or sell off the dogs.───分析得出结论,企业集团应将现金盈余从现金牛转移到明星和问号业务中去,同时关闭或卖掉瘦狗业务。

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