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词汇 carefully crafted
释义 carefully crafted
carefully crafted发音



beautifully crafted───制作精美

carefully selected───精心挑选

carefully controlled───小心控制

awfully hard───非常坚硬

careful balance───小心平衡


fully cooked───充分煮熟的(cooked是cook的过去分词)

naturally gifted───天赋异禀


lines of succession and responsibility have been carefully crafted and are as sleek as any piece of hardware that Apple has ever designed.───继承和责任的流水线经过精心设计,就像苹果曾经设计过的任何一款硬件一样流畅。

new theme, font and "carefully crafted" animations.───新的主题,字体和精心设计的动画。

Through advertising and promotional campaigns, including the use of carefully crafted package designs, the tobacco industry continues to divert attention from the deadly effects of its products.───通过广告和促销运动,包括使用精心制作的包装设计,烟草业继续转移人们的注意力,使他们无视烟草制品的致命作用。

Mr Wen's carefully crafted "spontaneous" public performances seem to be working.───温家宝精心设计的公众场合“自发”表现,似乎起到了作用。

Indeed, executives often are quite attached to their carefully crafted phrases and can be very sensitive about how outsiders interpret them.───事实上,企业管理者往往对自己斟词酌句想出来的措辞怀有感情,对于外界如何诠释这种措辞非常敏感。

They look like dollhouses-carefully crafted wooden models made of light sycamore, ash and rosewood-but the contents are not for children.───是一些精心制作的模型,材质是轻质枫木、白蜡木和红木,看起来就像是供小孩子摆弄的玩具房子。不过,房子里面装的东西可不适合小孩子。

Coming from the right place in your heart will get your relationship back on track faster than carefully crafted words.───与其处心积虑地遣词造句,不如把心态放对位置,那么你们的关系重回正常轨道的速度也会更快。

The lines of succession and responsibility have been carefully crafted and are as sleek as any piece of hardware Apple has ever designed.───继承和责任线精工细作,就像苹果曾经设计的任何一块硬件那样光滑。

A carefully crafted duality is a hallmark of a training program that somehow survived the fall of the Soviet Union, experts said.───专家称,小心翼翼地精心装扮双重身份是这种训练计划的特点。不知怎么地,这种训练在前苏联政府倒台后存活了下来。


A carefully crafted list of billboards that will come down.

A carefully crafted security policy outlines what cloud computing service consumers and providers should do; it can save providers many hours of management time if they develop a security policy.

Some like the apparent safety of the carefully crafted written document.

This lively wine has been carefully crafted to show great length of flavor with a refreshing, zingy and lively acidity on the finish.

This lively wine has been carefully crafted to show great length of flavour with a refreshing, zingy and lively acidity on the finish.

The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe .

But here comes the Internet to upset these carefully crafted rules.

These are fantasies of considerable charm, carefully crafted examples of story-telling.

I had carefully crafted what I would be willing to say publicly about my life.





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