call options───购买选择权
called option───看涨期权;购买选择权
share options───股票选择买卖
career ambition───职业雄心;事业抱负
careers offices───职业指导办公室;就业办公室;职业中心
nuclear options───核武器;核选项
sellers options───卖方选择权
zero-zero options───零-零选项
But the fact is that certifications open up your career options.───但实际上证书能够打开你职业生涯的大门。
The Career Options of Dream world.───幻想世界里的职业选项。
After exploring numerous career options, Daniel opened up so many opportunities.───经历了多次尝试之后,丹尼尔已经获得了许多工作机会。
Have I discussed my career options with at least four people close to me?───我是否已经和四个最亲近的人讨论过我的职业规划呢?
These programs enable you to explore various career options in the medical field before committing yourself to an intensive degree track.───这些课程能够在你全身心投入争取专业学位之前尝试医学领域的各式各样的职业选择。
Being associated with a blue-chip company brand will also enhance your career options down the road.───和蓝筹股公司有联系的话同样能在今后为增强你的职业选择。
The degree will open career options as an economist in Government, Business, the academic world and international organisations.───完成这个课程将来可在政府,商业,以及学术领域和跨国组织以经济学家的职业从事工作。
Instead, I wanted the opportunity to explore my career options to make a well-informed decision as to the area of my future research.───因此我要寻找一个机会去拓展自己的职业之路,使自己在未来研究领域博闻多识。
Finance provides a broad range of career options in combination with other disciplines or as a specialist area.───金融学与其他学科结合或作为专门领域,可以提供很广泛的职业选择。
Vocational Studies allow students to make an informed choice of career options.
Other career options with this degree include professional actor or dancer, theater manager, storyteller, stunt person, make-up artist, drama critic, and choreographer.
But every student should have the opportunity to explore career options while still in high school.
Academic trainees should receive proper counselling before starting a research post in order that future career options are fully understood.
Through the houses, students are introduced to career options and gain exposure to the workplace.
Other career options include teaching film at the university level, working as a film librarian and preservationist for a museum or arts foundation, and serving on government arts commissions.
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