What's under the bed
She laid out all her new clothes on the bed.───她把她所有的新衣服都摊开在床上.
He rushed into the room and pulled me out of bed.───他冲进房间把我从床上拖起来.
A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.───一阵狂风把床吹离了屋顶,“轰”的一声落到下面的院子里.
The child sleeps sprawled all over the bed.───这孩子睡相不好.
In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.───我躺在床上, 将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上.
He had a good stretch on the bed.───他在床上痛快地伸了个懒腰.
If you go to bed now, I've read you a bedtime story.───假使你现在就上床睡觉, 我就念个睡前故事给你听.
he like in bed?───他的床上功夫怎么样?
Something dropped on the floor and rolled beneath the valance of the bed.───有一样东西掉到地板上又滚到床沿挂布的下面.
She is brought to bed of yet another baby.───她又生了一个小孩.
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