情不自禁,不能自制; 不克自主
cannot help but───不得不
catch oneself───发觉自己讲错而突然住嘴
above oneself───自高自大;趾高气扬;兴高采烈
can't help sth───无能为力
concern oneself───关心某人;担心某人
not spare oneself───对自己的要求很严格;不宽恕自已,严格要求自已,不疲塌
watch oneself───小心点
abuse oneself───虐待自己
assert oneself───坚持自己的权利或意见
The merchant is wild with joy, cannot help but is pleased with oneself for own doing business talent.───商人欣喜若狂,不由得为自己的经商天才而沾沾自喜。
Because his parents cannot take care of our lifetime, only we study hard now, to help parents do household chores, you can reach more early learn to provide for oneself, ability is a decent man.───因为父母不能照顾我们一辈子,只有我们现在努力学习,多帮家长做力所能及的家务事,提早学会自理,才能是堂堂正正的人。
cannot help but cannot help oneself───情不自禁;不能自制
- cannot help doing sth
- cannot wait to do
- cannot seem to
- cannot catch
- cannot open connection
- cannot help but
- cannot help oneself
- cannot help