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词汇 calcium carbonate
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calcium carbonates───n.[无化]碳酸钙

barium carbonate───[无化]碳酸钡;沉淀碳酸钡

calcium arsenate───[无化]砷酸钙

barium carbonates───[无化]碳酸钡;沉淀碳酸钡

calcium carbide───[化工]电石,[无化]碳化钙

calcium gluconate───[有化]葡萄糖酸钙

lithium carbonate───[无化]碳酸锂

sodium carbonate───碳酸钠

magnesium carbonate───[无化]碳酸镁


Moreover, the composition of the ash contents was found to be mainly calcium carbonate.───进一步的分析表明, 灰分的主要成分为碳酸钙.

The surface of nanometer calcium carbonate powder was modified with resin and stearic acid.───用树脂和硬脂酸改性纳米碳酸钙.

Pigments have clay ( white clay ), calcium carbonate , sand , small white , aluminum hydroxide and titanium dioxide.───颜料有白土 ( 白色黏土 ) 、 碳酸钙 、 沙丁白 、 氢氧化铝、二氧化钛和塑料颜料等.

It can prevent scale formation, calcium carbonate in particular, in water system.───可阻止水中成垢盐类形成水垢, 特别是碳酸钙垢的形成.

The characterization of activated calcium carbonate by the rate of suspension in water was studied.───研究了水中悬浮法对碳酸钙活化效果的表征.

Precipitated calcium carbonate is a good paper filler , the filler retention rate improve after modification.───轻质碳酸钙是良好的造纸填料, 通过改性可有效提高其留着率.

Limestone is rock composed of calcium carbonate.───石灰石是由碳酸钙所构成的岩石.

The main component of limestone is calcium carbonate.───石灰岩的主要成分是碳酸钙.

This technology changes the ore magnesium, calcium carbonate and fertilizer through calcination, separation, carbonization and roasting.───该工艺将矿石通过煅烧 、 分离 、 碳化、焙烧等过程,加工成镁 、 碳酸钙和复合肥.

Algerian plant formerly burned to obtain calcium carbonate.───阿尔及利亚的一种植物,原来用于燃烧掉来获取碳酸钙.

Its main products include calcium carbonate superfine powder, light & heavy calcium and modify.───公司主要产品有纳米活性碳酸钙、超细微有机碳酸钙 、 轻钙 、 重钙等.

The characterization of modified calcium carbonate by oil absorption ratio was introduced.───介绍了吸油率法直接表征碳酸钙改性效果的方法.

Under modern conditions, many deep, cold waters are acidic enough to dissolve calcium carbonate shells.───在目前的情况下, 许多海洋深层冷水的酸度足以溶解碳酸钙外壳,这种情形称为[不饱和].

The carbonate from calcium carbonate, if not remoyed by calcining may cause foaming in the reactors.───碳酸钙中存在的碳酸根, 如果不经煅烧除去,会在反应槽中引起泡沫生成.

At present mainly uses the union system alkaline process production calcium carbonate soda ash.───目前主要用联合制碱法生产碳酸钙纯碱.

Shanghai Shenya Calcium Carbonate Factory register in Shanghai Pudong Area Jinqiao development area Jinming.───上海申亚碳酸钙厂注册于上海浦东新区金桥开发区金明村.

Sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, and boron should be determined in a water anylasis.───水质分析要测定钠 、 硫 、 镁 、 钙 、 碳酸盐 、 重碳酸盐 、 氯和硼的含量.

Some will no doubt flourish, but if the trend continues, as it will for at least some decades, clams, mussels, conches and all creatures that grow shells made of calcium carbonate will struggle.───某些生物无疑会繁盛,但是如果这一趋势继续下去,当它至少持续几十年后,蛤、贻贝、海螺和所有生有碳酸钙外壳的生物将生存困难。

Many species of invertebrate have shells or skeletons made of calcium carbonate.───无脊椎类的好多物种有碳酸钙质的外壳或骨骼。

The surface modification of ultrafine calcium carbonate was made by using aluminium zirconium coupling agent.───用铝锆酸酯偶联剂对超微碳酸钙粉体进行表面改性.

Meanwhile, calcium ions in the cement also absorb moisture and carbon dioxide, forming calcium carbonate -- the material found in seashells.───同时,水泥中的钙离子也会吸收水分和二氧化碳,形成碳酸钙——碳酸钙是贝壳的主要成分。

The method to observe the precipitated calcium carbonate crystal with optical microscope is simple and direct.───介绍使用光学显微镜观察轻质碳酸钙晶体的方法.

The principle and method for surface modification of calcium carbonate with titanate coupling agent is described.───介绍了钛酸酯偶联剂表面处理碳酸钙的原理和方法.

The coupling agents wereto rubbers filled with silica, clay and calcium carbonate respectively and were tested.───考察了不同用量偶联剂与无机填料(白炭黑 、 陶土、轻质碳酸钙)的配合对胶料的共补强效果.

A new solid base catalyst of calcium methoxide calcium carbonate as the starting material.───以碳酸钙为基础材料,制成高效酯交换催化剂甲醇钙.

The kinetics of precipitation of calcium carbonate solutions implied that the magnetic effect attributable both to.───借助析晶动力学监测系统,研究了一定强度的磁场对碳酸钙过饱和溶液的析晶过程的影响.

As an important inorganic chemicals, calcium carbonate with different shapes and crystal polymorphs has different usages.───碳酸钙是一种重要的无机化工产品, 不同晶型、形态的碳酸钙有着不同的用途.

It is hopeful for calcium carbonate whisker to be applied in covering material industry.───碳酸钙晶须可望在涂料工业中得到应用.

  • calcium nitrate
  • calcium oxide
  • calcium stearate
  • calcium antagonist
  • calcium salt
  • calcium hydroxide
  • calcium nitrate granular




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