购销; 买卖
ducking and weaving───躲闪与编织
wheeling and dealing───想方设法;不择手段
huffing and puffing───蒸汽吞吐;咆哮;恼怒;恫吓
kicking and screaming───踢和尖叫
wheeling and dealings───摆弄和交易
ducking and diving───灵活地应付
hiring and firing───任免
He lived by buying and selling houses.───他以买卖房子为生.
Men crowded into the office, buying and selling, crying and yelling.───人们涌进办公间, 买进卖出, 叫着嚷着.
Second, we must imagine other possibilities. It’s hard to do that when we’ve been trained to think in terms of buying and selling, in terms of commerce instead of people.───第二,当我们已经被训练成用买和卖,从商品交易的角度来思考问题,于是从人性的角度来思考会很困难,但是我们必须转变角度考虑其他的可能性。
Marketing is not limited to buying and selling, or import and export.───市场营销并不局限于买和卖, 或进口和出口.
Money is a medium for buying and selling.───钱是用来买卖的一种媒介。
We welcome buying and selling enquiries for all grades of scrap metal.───我们欢迎买入和卖出的所有职系的金属废铁的查询.
These wide fluctuations were the result of buying and selling.───这样大幅度的波动是买卖的结果.
Fair Buying and selling wins the patronage of customers for our shop.───公平交易为本店赢得顾客.
He accumulated a fortune buying and selling used cars.───他买卖旧汽车积累了一笔财富.
The approach in buying and selling securities is basically the same.───买卖股票的方法都基本相同.
What every commercial enterprise seeks is Brisk Buying and selling.───购销两旺,是每个商业企业的追求.
earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices.───赚取股票买卖的价格差。
Buying and selling houses, though, is a slower process.───但买卖房屋却是个缓慢得多的过程.
Market where dealers actively quote both buying and selling rates.───指不管是买方还是卖方价格都有交易商积极报价的市场.
Market makers earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices.───做市商靠赚取买卖价差生存。
Cash on delivery is a rule of Buying and selling.───一手交钱,一手交货是买卖规则.
Business was reduced to local buying and selling when the war broke out and international trading ceased.
He made his money buying and selling used cars.
In addition, the spread between buying and selling prices quoted by market makers has roughly halved.
He is hanging between buying and selling.
Two brothers decided to go into business buying and selling beds.
She makes her living buying and selling antiques.
I.B.C. trades worldwide buying and selling basic commodities such as timber, coal and cement.
It seems that buying and selling remainders is the lowest form of bookselling, and is often treated as such.
John makes his living buying and selling used cars.
- buying and selling
- buying into the dip
- buying power