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词汇 burned off
释义 burned off
burned off发音



turned off───关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向;使失去兴趣

bumped off───干掉

bunked off───逃学(非正式);早退(非正式)

burn off───烧尽

burned out───烧坏;精疲力竭

burns off───烧尽

burnt off───烧毁

buzzed off───匆忙离去

warned off───告诫…离开


He shrieked but the blue liquid had burned off his shoe and caused a big gash in his foot.───他嚷了起来,但是那种蓝色液体点着了他的鞋,还在他的脚上弄了条大口子。

These capture heat and gases that had previously been released into the air or burned off as waste.───那些捕获的热量和气体是以前作为废弃物排到空气或者烧掉的。

They simply ate more than they burned off.───他们单纯的因为消耗大了而比平常又吃多了。

Yes, that's right, I'm the kind of person who hears that his entire face is going to be burned off and thinks it is a good idea.───是呀,这很对,我就是那种人,那种聆听整个脸会被烧掉而会认为是好主意的人。

[I'm just like an oil lamp, if last drop of oil is not burned off, I cannot rest. ] Saying this, Ah Mui had very deep feeling.───「我就如一盏汽油灯,不烧尽最后一滴油,也不能歇息。」这句话说来,梅姑姑深有感触。

Some memories are burned off, some memories were buried, at the bottom of the innocent is like water flowing across the golden era.───有些记忆被焚烧掉,有些记忆被埋在心底,纯真年代如流水划过金色年代。

Even the surface had been burned off the ground.───甚至地表都被烤掉一层皮。

In desperation, they had been looking for at the ashes of burned-off the fruits of animal meat and plants to abdominal wrap.───无奈之下,他们只好在灰烬中寻找被火烧过的动物肉和植物果实借以裹腹。

One badly burned woman was shown lying on the road with a man standing over her, his clothes burned off.───一名严重烧伤的女子躺倒在马路上,站在她旁边的男子衣服已被烧掉。


They had grown up and gone to work picking stump out of every other burned off field in this Florida county.

When it was overloaded with electricity, the neoprene burned off.

Those coke deposits can easily be burned off to clean up the catalyst, says Jurriaan Beckers, a member of the research team.

The sulphur was burned off, thus producing a lead oxide which then had to be reduced leaving behind the pure lead.

All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow back.

All her hair was burned off in the fire,but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow in again.

The sun burned off the mist.

The iniquity of his lips must be burned off by a live angelic coal, that the sinfulness of his lips we could think of it as the sinfulness of his voice, his poetic voice -- will have to be purged.

The high sun had burned off the pervasive mist and cleared heaven and earth.

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