

词汇 bungee jumping
释义 bungee jumping
bungee jumping发音




bungy jumping───蹦极跳

bungee jump───高空弹跳;蹦极跳

bungee jumps───高空弹跳;蹦极跳

base jumping───定点跳伞,极限跳伞




long jumping───跳远


Bungee jumping is a sort of venturesome sports.───高空跳伞是一项冒险的运动.

My favorite hobby is bungee jumping.───我最大的嗜好就是蹦极跳.

It's the only reason bungee jumping exists.───这 就是 蹦极跳运动出现的惟一原因.

This phenomenon also explains why people can enjoy skydiving, bungee jumping and extreme sports.───这种现象解释了为什么人们喜欢跳伞 、 蹦极和极限运动.

Martin: Oh, it's no big deal. I broke it bungee jumping.───马丁: 噢, 没什么大不了.我玩笨猪跳时弄断的.

I really got a kick out of bungee jumping.───我从高空弹跳中得到快感.

Do you have the courage to go bungee jumping?───你有胆量玩蹦极跳 吗 ?

If you're looking for the adventure of a lifetime, how about going bungee jumping off a helicopter into the crater of a live volcano?───如果你正在寻找一次一生难忘的冒险经历,那么来一场蹦极,从直升机上跳到活火山口怎么样?

Bungee jumping was once done by only sky divers , mountain climbers and so on.───蹦极曾经只是飞行员和攀登运动员等从事的运动.

Bungee jumping, for example, covers several academic fields including sports psychology and meteorology.───比如, 蹦极就涉及了运动心理学和气象学等诸多学术领域.

Bill: It's me bungee jumping off the bridge at Victoria Falls. Watch.───比尔: 是我去维多利亚瀑布高空弹跳的纪录, 仔细看!

Like a number of other extreme sports, as bungee jumping, zorbing originated in New Zealand.───跟其他不少极限运动一样, 例如蹦极, 左宾球源自新西兰.

You're going bungee jumping? Whatever next ?───你要去蹦极?还想干什么?

Now, I even go bungee jumping from a helicopter!───译文:现在, 我甚至可以从直升飞机上进行蹦极.

Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters in our brains as parachuting, bungee jumping, and running.───接吻可令大脑释放出与跳伞 、 蹦极及奔跑时相同的神经递质.

BR > A: It was stupid of me to go bungee jumping.───我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了.

He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping.───看到别人蹦极他感到了同样的刺激.

Bungee Jumping is a very exciting new outdoor leisure activity.───蹦极是新兴的一项非常刺激的户外休闲活动.

I'm ( ) bungee jumping, but very much ( ) tennis.───我讨厌蹦极跳但对网球有着极大的兴趣.

Bungee jumping is a good example.───蹦极跳就是一个很好的例子.

Some people like thrills, and bungee jumping certainly as one.───追求刺激 、 体验极限的人当然不能错过高空弹跳.

to go bungee jumping───去蹦极

B : Well , we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.───哦, 在澳大利亚的时候我们去玩了蹦极跳.

It is estimated that two million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.───据估计世界上已有两百万人体验过蹦极跳了.

We watched a bungee jumping contest.───我们正在看蹦极比赛.

Bungee jumping looks like fun.───高空弹跳看起来蛮好玩的.

Adventurous travelers can go heli-skiing, paragliding and bungee jumping.───喜欢冒险的旅行者可以去高山滑雪、滑翔跳伞和蹦极跳。

We went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.───在澳大利亚的时候我们去了蹦极跳.


He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping.

Bungee jumping, a fun fair, car boot, craft and charity stalls will be the order of the day.

My favorite hobby is bungee jumping.

I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.

We went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.

You're going bungee jumping? Whatever next?

However, I would think twice about bungee jumping.

Now, I even go bungee jumping from a helicopter!

Bungee jumping is a sort of venturesome sports.

  • bungee cord




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