

词汇 blue mountains
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Blue Mountains───蓝岭(位于美国东部)

block mountains───[地质]断块山

move mountains───移动山脉;竭尽全力;创造奇迹

Alai Mountains───阿莱山脉

Ore Mountains───厄尔士山区

block mountain───[地质]断块山

blue stains───蓝着色;[植保]蓝变

Elburz Mountains───埃尔布尔茨山脉

Kunlun Mountains───昆仑山


Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains, green waters, limpid brooks.───那边是南国风光,山是青的, 水是绿的, 小溪流更是清可见底!

Antique , and graceful in the room, the blue mountains and waters outside the window, beautiful.───室内古色古香, 清新雅致, 窗外青山绿水, 风景怡人.

Explorers also found a path through the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney so quickly from development.───探索者们还发现了穿越蓝山的路径,于是很快从悉尼向西发展.

Mist shrouds the wrinkled peaks of the Blue Mountains.───薄雾笼罩着蓝山层叠的山峰。

Origin: Jamaica, gets its name from the Caribbean Sea surrounded by the Blue Mountains are.───产地: 牙买加, 得名于加勒比海环抱之中的蓝山.

Finally, archaeologists race in the South Wales force found in the Blue Mountains sandstone.───最后, 考古学家在南威尔士普利赛力山脉中发现了蓝砂岩.

Harvey: There's a place in the Blue Mountains. Great for trout fishing...───哈维:蓝山地区有一个钓鱼的好地点,那是一个钓鲑鱼的好地方。

With ropes but no GPS, daring Aussies plunge into the hidden canyons of the Blue Mountains.───没有GPS,勇敢的澳洲人用绳索探入蓝山隐秘的峡谷深处。

According to the schedule, the touring party will visit the Blue Mountains today.───根据日程安排, 今日将乘车到蓝山游览.


Origin: Jamaica, gets its name from the Caribbean Sea surrounded by the Blue Mountains are.

One thing had become clear to those who settled in this area- the coffee berry grown in the Blue Mountains was unlike any other.

However, in the Salisbury area and not the Blue Mountains sandstone.

On the remote western edge of Uganda the land suddenly drops down into the western arm of the Great Rift Valley to reveal the vast expanse of Lake Albert and the blue mountains of Congo beyond.

In fact without day dreaming, I have already seen blue mountains, erect clouds, and bold birds. I have smelled the perfume of the brook, the freshness of the air.

A canyoneer descends into Hole-in-the-Wall Canyon in Blue Mountains National Park.

Up in the lofty Blue Mountains of eastern Jamaica, where daybreak must sift through the early morning mist, lies Mavis Bank, and a small rural town.

The blue mountains like a photograph of primordial ocean.

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