

词汇 blood money
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blood money发音

n.付给凶手的酬金; 给被害人家属的抚恤金; 为防止报复而给出的钱; 因将凶犯交给警察所得的奖金(尤指凶犯被处死刑时)



blood moneys───血腥钱

blood monies───血债

boot money───橄榄球球员穿某一指定厂牌球鞋出场所得的费用

broad money───[金融]广义货币,广义货币供应量

black money───黑钱

blood donor───n.献血者,供血者;给血者

blood moon───血月

blood moons───血月



Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims' families.───辩方律师尚未同意向被害人亲属支付抚恤金的条款。

Raymond Kulinsky killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.───雷蒙德-库林斯凯遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

Denounce us, and then keep the blood money?───先公开指责我们然后占有这笔抚恤金 吗 ?

He made a large sum of blood money by selling weapons.───他靠出售武器赚了一大笔不义之财。

Years afterward they would pay the blood - money driblet by driblet.───将来他们会一点一点付出血腥钱的.

Do you think I will have blood money?───你以为我会赚这种血腥的钱 吗 ?

I don't want to take that blood money, it's too dangerous.───我不会去拿那笔奖金的, 那忒危险了.

I want to make some side money, but I don't like blood money.───我很想赚点外快, 但我不要不义之财.

I want to make some side money, but I don't like to take blood money.───我想赚点外快, 但我不赚不义之财.

The FBI is tracking the source of the blood money.───FBI在追究那笔杀人酬金的出处.

Joseph Clarence killed. Police suspect blood money involved.───约瑟夫-克拉伦斯死了,警察怀疑他被雇凶谋杀.

Hitman Trilogy is a compilation of three Hitman games : Blood Money, Silent Assassin, and Contracts.───全球限量发行的终极刺客三部曲包含了: 夺命定金 、 沉默刺客 、 契约三部作品.

Police suspect blood money is involved.───警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀.


Anthony Martinez killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.

Lorenzo Lombardo killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.

Senator Jackson said this was blood money and an outrage.

Skip Muldoon killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.

Police suspect blood money is involved.

Raymond Kulinsky killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.

Daniel morris killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.

It had been financed by blood money, blood money from the wealthy parents of Charles's dead wife.

Denounce us, and then keep the blood money?

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