

词汇 youth culture
释义 youth culture
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youth cultures───青年文化;青年人的爱好

yob culture───yob文化

youth centre───青少年活动中心;青年中心

beauty culture───(美)美容术;(美)美容业


raunch culture───下流文化

bonus culture───奖金文化

club culture───俱乐部文化

fish culture───渔业


In most schools, the youth culture is not competent.───大多学校的青年文化无法胜任。

Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion brand.───另一些人会持反对观点,他们认为尤其是在年轻人的观点中,耐克是一个流行品牌。

Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.───埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正创始人。

But after 13 years of steering youth culture, Harry Potter is moving on, and fans like Kalbhenn with him.───在主导了青少年文化长达13年之后,哈利波特将要开启新的人生,而像卡尔本这样的粉丝们也会和他一道往前走。

A company has defended its decision to sack one of its staff by text message, claiming it was keeping in touch with youth culture.───一家公司为通过发短信解雇一名员工的做法进行了辩护,声称此举是为了与年轻人的文化保持亲密接触。

You could be forgiven for thinking Twitter was the latest example of youth culture.───Twitter是年轻人文化的一个最新例子,如果你有这种想法,是可以理解的。

The proliferation of viral musical clips that accompanied his rise has much to do with Obama's connection with youth culture.───随着他的崛起,音乐口味的精到进一步把奥巴马和青年文化紧紧联系在一起。

Watching what you eat is only half the battle - a sedentary youth culture will only store up more problems for the future.───关注你的饮食只是这场战役的一半———年轻人久坐不动的文化只能为今后积攒更多问题。

The diaosi phenomenon reflects not just a youth culture problem, but larger social issues.───屌丝现象所反映出的不单单是一个青年文化的问题,而是更大的社会问题。

  • youth camp
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