wood ants───n.木蚁(一种红褐色欧洲林蚁)
wood ears───木耳
wood hens───木母鸡
wood ibis───下面的树
Wood's demonstration of ancient cookery is fascinating, due both to its culinary Revelations and its insight into often ignored fragments of British history.───伍德对古代烹饪的示范非常吸引人,因为它能给人们烹饪方面的启示和使人们领悟到经常被忽略的英国历史片段。
Although the first plants sporting wood were small, subsequent species quickly took advantage of wood's structural strength: in just a few million years, some had attained treelike stature.───尽管第一个长出木本的植物体积很小,但接下来的其他植物种群便能够因此迅速从木本结构优势种获利,仅仅几百万年的时间,其中一些具有木本的植物便进化得像现在的树一样了。
Laura and Bernard were, by Wood's account, a sparring but companionate couple.───按照伍德的描述,劳拉和伯纳德是虽有争吵,但基本是和睦的一对。
Way up above them, Harry was gliding over the game, squinting about for some sign of the Snitch. This was part of his and Wood's game plan.───哈利在很高的空中,在赛场上方轻盈地滑来滑去,眯着眼搜寻飞贼的影子。这是他和伍德制订的比赛计划的一部分。
The course of the little brook might be traced by its merry gleam afar into the wood's heart of mystery, which had become a mystery of joy.───小溪的河道也愉快地粼粼闪光,溯源而上可以直抵树林的那神秘心脏。此时也已成为一种欢乐的神秘。
The company's main products are: various types of water looms and accessories, and for Wood's pressure, hydraulic machine puzzle.───本公司的主要产品为:各种型号的喷水织机及配件,和用于木业公司的气压、液压拼板机。
King & Wood's name shows a desire to appeal to western clients rather than to reflect the names of its founders.───金杜律师事务所的命名表明,该所旨在吸引西方客户,而不是反映创始人的姓名。
Terence Wood, Mr Wood's son from his first marriage, also refused to comment on the divorce.───伍德先生和前妻所生的儿子特伦斯伍德也拒绝对他们离婚这件事进行评论。
He also gave evidence during Gordon Wood's trial for the murder of his girlfriend, Caroline Byrne.───他还介绍了在戈登伍德为他的女友卡洛琳伯恩谋杀案的证据。
Laura and Bernard were, by Wood’s account, a sparring but companionate couple.
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