

词汇 will call
释义 will call
will call发音






roll call───点名;名单;登记表

toll call───收费的长途电话

wolf call───调戏声

roll calls───点名;名单;登记表

toll calls───收费的长途电话

wolf calls───调戏声

bird call───n.鸟叫声;模仿的鸟叫


The salesman will call back at any house he missed.───那个推销员将重访他所错过的每所房子.

I will call you as soon as your room is ready.───等您的房间打扫好后,我会马上叫您.

I will call at six o'clock, if that is all right to you.───如果对你方便的话,我将在六点前来拜访.

Instead of Super Saturday, we will call it Insanity's Super Saturday.───我们可以把《超级星期六》改叫成《疯狂超级星期六》.

Therefore I will call him Mr.───因此,我将称他为陈先生。

If we bide our time, I'm sure the reporters will call the politicians'bluff.───如果我们等待时机成熟, 我确信记者就会揭穿那些政治家的谎言.

I'm sure the reporters will call the politicians'bluff.───我确信记者就会揭穿那些政治家的谎言.

Be reasonable, or I will call the guard!───理智些,不然我就叫警卫来了!

That will call for every ounce of energy we have.───这就需要我们全力以赴.

Before I go away I will call round to say good bye to you.───在我离开以前,我要来看你们,向你们告别.

I'm busy now. I will call you back later.───现在我忙着呢, 以后再给你回电话.

I will call for you tomorrow and we'll go to the park together.───我明天去接你,咱们一块儿去公园.

At least, people who were not as farsighted as I will call it that.───至少, 那些和我一样有远见的人会这样说.

The hotel porter will call a taxi for you.───旅馆的门卫可以给你叫计程车.

The first of next month is an auspicious day; they will call for you then.───下个月初一是个好日子, 冯家就要在那天接人.

We will take a chunk of some material and we will call it a kilogram.───我们取一大块物质,称它为一千克。

Well, if a pipe bursts, the house will call the plumber.───嗯, 如果管道破裂, 房屋会叫管道工人.

We will call the system with Hamitonian? 0 the unperturbed system.───我们把具有哈密顿算符? 0的体系叫做未微扰体系.


The foreign guests will call on you next Wednesday afternoon.

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