

词汇 was out
释义 was out
was out发音



wash out───淘汰;洗净;破产

has out───已经出局了


walks out───走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出

wants out───解除;想要出去

wash outs───淘汰;洗净;破产

wears out───磨损,耗尽;穿破;使精疲力竭


The meal was out of this world.───这顿饭简直是没治了。

He tried to steal second base but was out.───他试图偷二垒但被判出局。

She was out of her mind with grief.───她悲痛得精神失常了。

After a few months, she said that she could not stand the smell when he was eating meat and suggested that he eat meat only when he was out.───再过几个月,她说他吃荤时的气味很难闻,不如他外出时才吃荤,回家则和她一起吃素好了!

He tried to prevent my name being dragged in so scandalously, but the situation was out of his hands.───他竭力避免把我的名字牵连进这样的丑闻中,但是局势的发展非他所能控制。

Since getting a boat in there was out of the question, the men went down on ropes to save the victim.───由于救难小组不能驾船接近男孩,于是利用悬吊的绳索下去把受害人救出来。

God heard Manoah, and the angel of God came again to the woman while she was out in the field; but her husband Manoah was not with her.───神应允玛挪亚的话。妇人正坐在田间的时候,神的使者又到她那里,她丈夫玛挪亚却没有同她在一处。

Then one day when he was out for a walk by the lake, he forgot what his mother had told him.───有一天,他出门沿着湖边散步,他一下子忘了母亲和他说过的话。

She asked to be reinstated in her Koch job and paid for the time she was out of work.───她要求恢复她在科赫公司的工作并负担她失业期间的费用。


He ran so fast that he was out of breath.

The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape.

Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.

She was out of her mind with grief.

He was out of sorts physically , as well as disordered mentally.

She was out in her calculations.

She loved the spring, when the blossom was out.

The umpire ruled that the batsman was out.

All yesterday he was out.

  • wash face
  • was broken
  • wasting time
  • was rising
  • washing line
  • wash the house
  • washerwomen strike
  • was away
  • was led up
  • wash himself
  • waste ground
  • was full of
  • wassa wassa
  • was studying
  • wash sale
  • was happy to
  • was fine
  • was really over
  • was out
  • washed down
  • was opened




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