

词汇 added to
释义 added to
added to发音



added in───添加;把…包括在内

added on───插入;另外加上去

added up───v.合计

added up to───合计达,总计达

added time───额外的时间

add up to───合计达,总计达

added bonus───额外的收获;额外的奖励

added entry───附加著录;附加款目

added sixth───增加第六个


will be added to your bill for service.───您付账时要另加10%的服务费。

Since 1908, chlorine has been added to drinking water.───自从1908年起,氯就被添加到饮用水当中了。

bad weather only added to our difficulties.───恶劣的天气只是增加了我们的困难。

Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.───再一次,请求你治愈和释放所必须的所有频率通过我的“Maria”们加入到这个部位里。

Some additional time is usually added to the scheduled time of the next job, in case the previous job runs longer than expected.───通常还会把下一个作业的调度时间延后一段时间,以防前一个作业的执行时间超出预期。

These methods must have "Get" and "Set" added to the beginning of the name of the property to be provided.───这些方法必须将“Get”和“Set”添加到要提供的属性名开头。

Because lead is heavy, it is often added to cheap metal products to make them seem more substantial.───由于铅很重,为使廉价的金属制品显得更加坚实,其中常常添进铅。

Otherwise, in a year's time he may well see his own name added to the rolls of those who have lost their job.───否则一年之后,他很可能看着自己的名字进入失业者名单之中。

The building offered room for expansion as the bank added to its investment banking teams, Mr Sayeed said.───塞伊德表示,新办公楼为野村扩张其投行团队提供了空间。


Blood feuds and general gangsterism added to the local crime rate.

The bell tower was added to the church in 1848.

A new wing was added to the building.

Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.

The house has been added to over the years.

A surcharge of 40 francs was added to our bill.

His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion.

Chlorine is added to the water to kill bacteria.

This latest decision has only added to the general confusion.

  • added bonus
  • added to
  • added value




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