

词汇 added benefit
释义 added benefit
added benefit发音




reduced benefit───减少的福利

child benefit───儿童补助金;儿童津贴

get benefit───获得利益

child benefits───儿童补助金;儿童津贴

confer benefit───授予利益

added bonus───额外的收获;额外的奖励

added entries───附加著录;附加款目

added entry───附加著录;附加款目

added line───添加的行


added benefit, you're left with one less file to juggle.───附带的好处是,您可以少处理一个文件。

For the added benefit of encryption, users should additionally use ESP.───要更好地利用加密技术,用户还应该再使用ESP。

It also has the added benefit of mimicking our URL structure.───它还能模拟我们的URL结构以带来便利。

Black silicon provides an added benefit on top of any other improvements in efficiency a company can get.───黑色电池能够给企业所获得的任何一项提高效率的改进带来更多益处。

The lenses, which are due to be tested on people within the next two years, have the added benefit of protecting the eye from sun damage.───这种隐形眼镜,在未来两年将进行人体试验,同样可以保护眼睛受到阳光的损害。

It's a drug to normalise metabolism that has, as an added benefit, weight loss. The public must be very, very clear about that.───它只是一种能使代谢更正常的药物,作为额外效果,就是减肥。公众对此一定要非常非常清楚。

As an added benefit, a testing framework also forces you to explicitly declare the expected results of specific program execution routes.───另一个好处是,测试框架还强制您显式地声明特定程序执行路由的预期结果。

The relationships with artists that Parker has built as a collector and fan have had an added benefit.───帕克是艺术作品的收藏者,也是那些艺术家的粉丝。这种关系为公司带来了意想不到的收益。

As an added benefit, all students are also allowed to attend drag meets and other special events at the Lonestar Motorsports Park for free.───作为一个附加的好处是,所有的学生也可参加拖曳满足和其他特别活动在龙星汽车公园免费。


Clockless chips also have the added benefit of emitting for less radio interference.

An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth.

Paying cash had the added benefit of leaving no record of our visit except a pencilled telephone booking under two untraceable names.

This strategy has the added benefit of helping you get ready to escape the emptiness and find a new job.

There is the added benefit of a garage with additional parking.

This distribution system can make value added benefit and reduce installation cost.

For added benefit stretch your chin up as you do the exercise.

This flexibility has the added benefit of breaking up any sense of endless routine or day in day out drudgery .

An added benefit, they say, is that it offers a lifeline to the unemployed.

  • added bonus
  • added to
  • added value




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