

词汇 today is tuesday
释义 today is tuesday
today is tuesday发音



that is to say───就是;即;换言之

as is the way───就这样

Holy Saturday───n.圣周六,即复活前夕

Holy Thursday───耶稣升天节(等于AscensionDay)

day after day───日复一日

day by day───一天天;逐日

late in the day───在那天稍晚些时候;为时太晚,失时机


I think so. Today is Tuesday, right?───我想是吧。今天是星期二,对吗?

Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.───今天是星期二,那么明天就是星期三。

Today is Tuesday, and Lourdes has had to leave but we still have four people here ...───今天是星期二,卢德不得不离开了,但还有我们四个。。。

Today is Tuesday, after getting up in the morning, I eat breakfast at the wash gargle, rode to go swimming.───今天是星期二。早上我起床后匆匆的洗漱吃早饭,就坐车去游泳。

Today is Tuesday, it's raining almost all day, it makes me unhappy.───今天是星期二,几乎整天都在下雨,这使我的心情很糟糕。

"That's fine, " roared the boss: "where were you yesterday? today is tuesday. "───“好”老板吼道:“你昨天去哪了,今天是星期二。”

Today is Tuesday, eighteenth of February.───今天是二月十八日,星期二。

Hello, everybody. Today is Tuesday. I'm on duty today.───大家好,今天是星期二。今天是我值日。


Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.

  • today and yesterday
  • today you die
  • today is tuesday
  • today come
  • today i am
  • today is my day
  • today is menu
  • today is today
  • today is not easy
  • todays look
  • today is very
  • today all
  • today to me
  • today is a gift
  • today is sunday
  • today is saturday
  • today is hot
  • todays news




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