

词汇 their skin
释义 their skin
their skin发音



thin skin───[橡胶]薄皮

the buskin───公共汽车司机

thick skin───厚度


a thin skin───薄薄的皮肤

ageing skin───老化皮肤





Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.───他们在海上呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黑里泛红。

Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.───女性有时因为过度使用研磨型的洁面乳而损害了皮肤。

Their skin breaks out.───他们的皮肤开始长痘痘了。

Their skin, he says, "was like a grayish color, and it was like dripping, or peeling, like the skin was peeling off their body. "───他回忆道,他们的皮肤“呈一种灰色,像要脱落或剥离下来的样子,像是要从他们的全身剥离下来。”

Their skin canoe, known as a kayak, is one of the most highly maneuverable small craft ever constructed.───皮肤独木舟,被誉为皮艇,是最便于操作的小艇不断兴建。

Their skin care products are purely natural, easy-to-receiver can deeply nourish the skin, the landlord can give it a try!───他们的护肤品都是纯自然的,易于接收,可以深层滋养皮肤,楼主可以试试看!

It seems that they might have used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin.───他们似乎是用锋利的石具割开动物,取走它们的皮。

"It's not just me. Most people here use at least two or three specialised cosmetics for their skin. "───“不仅是我,这里的大多数士兵都使用至少两至三种专业化妆品来护理皮肤。”

i dont see any peeling effect with TFS either, but other girls like it a lot since it makes their skin smoother.───我也没用过TFS的任何剥皮产品,但别的女孩非常喜欢它,因为它使她们的皮肤变得更光滑。


Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.

Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.

Many women believe that skin cream makes their skin look younger, and who's to say that they're wrong?

Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin.

Some frogs produce very toxic substances in their skin.

Frogs produce slime to keep their skin moist.

Snakes slough their skin regularly.

All reptiles have to slough their skin to grow.

The heat seared their skin.

  • their home
  • their clothes
  • their pets
  • their lives
  • their parents
  • their bocome with us
  • their cousin
  • their garden
  • their skin




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