chat away───闲谈
chat up───搭讪
that is───即;就是说;换言之
But if you have so many children she cannot be that ugly.───既然你有这么多孩子,你老婆一定不会丑到哪里去。
Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbour.───为了消除别人对你的嘲笑,你可以先帮帮你的邻居。
Now let's match a hat to that ugly mug of yours.───现在我们就来找一找适合你的帽子吧。
By the time I got to where he was lying, it was apparent that Ugly's sad life had been almost at an end.───等我赶到时,它躺在那里,悲惨的一生显然已几乎走到尽头。
Maybe just a beautiful smile instead of that ugly look, maybe a beautiful word instead of that angry word.───可能只是用美丽的微笑代替丑陋的一瞥,可能是用温柔的话语代替愤怒的语言。
the angel gabriel came and grabbed me by my arm . he took me to that ugly black door that i didn t even want to look at.───天使加百利抓住我的臂膀,带我进了那扇我连看都不想看一眼的丑门。
What? She was cheating on me with that ugly guy? Oh no, I feel like such a loser.───什么?她居然骗我。还跟那个家伙。我觉得自己好失败。
I used to feel sorry for that ugly black stone of an ox lying in front of our door.───我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;
Even in his greatest suffering, that ugly battle-scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, and perhaps some compassion.───即使是在痛苦地挣扎,这只难看而又伤痕累累的猫只是乞求一点点的感情,或者一丝怜悯。
I'd know that ugly face anywhere.
One year, a stoneman came for making a stone mill for us, my grandmother suggested him to use that ugly one so as not to seek another one far away.
Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battle-scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, perhaps some compassion.
Summarize that ugly reality in five terse sentences, then cut to the real national obsession: Sun Belt weather.
Down deep in that ugly heap Marie Curie felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
Even in his greatest suffering, that ugly battle-scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, and perhaps some compassion.
Down deep in that ugly heap she felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
- thats it
- that is one love
- that shirt
- that sort of thing
- that was cool
- thatg rl
- that s when
- that red cap
- that is you
- that for me
- that has
- that orange
- that girli
- that who i am
- that ll
- that i can meet
- that play
- that monkey
- thatched floor
- that true
- thats thestwle