be on your knees───跪下
bend the knee───弯曲膝盖
end your career───结束你的职业生涯
find your feet───适应环境
mend your ways───改过自新
on your feet───在你的脚上
wend your way───走你的路
burn your fingers───吃苦头;自寻烦恼;引火烧身
go down on your knees───跪下
Follow me, bend your knees.───跟我做,弯曲你的膝盖。
Bend your knees.───弯下你的膝盖。
Bend your knees with me.───随着我弯下膝盖。
Second, the body to stand, her hands rested on her hips, and then bend your knees, maintain crouch slightly posture.───身体站立,双手叉腰,然后弯曲膝盖,保持微蹲的姿势。
exhale, downward dog, bend your knees, draw up to your belly, ground evenlly with your hands, and feel the spine getting longer.───呼,下犬式,屈膝,伸展直到腹部,双手均匀施力压地,感觉脊柱越拉越长;
Now, please lie on your back, bend your knees and relax. Let me examine you.───请仰卧,把腿弯起来放松。让我检查一下。您恐怕得了肠梗阻。
Lie down on your back and bend your knees up please.───举起你的手并弯下膝盖。
on your back, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor about hip width apart.───仰卧,屈膝,脚掌平放在地面上,大致与臀部同宽。
Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, then slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of your right hip.───屈膝,脚放到地板上,然后滑动左脚放在右腿下靠近右臀部的位置。
Similar to a Backscratcher, bend your knees so the Skis will be behind you.
Then bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and rest in Child's Pose.
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight.
Make sure you bend your knees when you're picking up heavy objects.
The trick is to bend your knees as you catch the ball.
Bend your knees, but keep your back straight.
Let me examine your abdomen. Lie down on your bak and bend your knees up please.
To avoid back problems, always bend your knees when you lift heavy objects.
- bendable strips
- bend down low
- bender realty
- bendy songs
- bend arm
- bend over
- bended box
- bendy and the ink machine
- bend your knees