tax cuts───减税
trap cut───(宝石的)阶梯形切口
pay cut───工资削减
tax net───[税收]税网
to cut───削减;切开;倒牌;刈割
table cut───工作台切割
trap cuts───(宝石的)阶梯形切口
navy cut───n.切丝的烟丝
pay cuts───减薪
tax cut might have some stimulative effect.───减税可能会起到一些刺激作用。
It is possible that a tax cut might have some stimulative effect.───减税或许会产生某种刺激作用——这是可能的。
The president last week vetoed the tax cut.───总统上个星期否决了减税法案.
This is an across - the - board tax cut.───这是一次普遍性减税.
GM owns a 34 % stake of SAIC - GM - Wuling. All the venture's models qualify for the tax cut.───通用汽车持有上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司34%的股权. 该合资企业的所有车型都符合减税标准.
He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed.───他认为此次减税不合时宜。
You just want to add an additional tax cut over the loopholes.───只是想在那些(免税)漏洞上(向富人)提供更多的减税.
The capital - gains tax cut, for instance, may have temporarily boosted revenues as people sold long - held assets.───例如, 当人们卖掉 长期 持有的资产时在资产收益上的减税可能短暂的推动了税金收益的上升.
The tax cut will boost the economy.───减税将会推进经济的增长.
Analysts worry the tax cut is inadequate to achieve that.───分析师担心,仅靠减税还不足以解决资金问题.
But, expenditure and the tax cut macroscopic measure or will be a paradox.───但是, 财政支出和减税的宏观措施或将是个悖论.
He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed.───他认为减税不合时宜。
A $ 6 billion tax cut pumped additional money into general circulation.───减税60亿美元使更多货币注入总体流通.
NPC – Highlights: stamp tax cut?───人大会聚焦: 印花税是否减征?
Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut, giving families $350 in tax credits per child.───比尔·布拉德利参议员概述了自己的减税计划,提出每个孩子可为家庭减免350美元的课税。
Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea.───经济学家杰弗里·福克斯认为减税是不明智的。
tax cut issue has caused dissension among administration officials.───减税议题在政府官员内部引发了争辩。
He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending.───他坚持每一项减税都要和支出削减一一对应。
- tax liability
- tax burden
- tax rates
- tax reduction
- tax breaks
- tax incidence
- taxonomy hierarchy
- tax code
- tax return
- tax collection
- taxonomy of fish
- taxation without representation
- tax deduction
- tax incentive
- tax evasion
- taxes on