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词汇 takes out
释义 takes out
takes out发音


v.<美>外卖餐馆,外卖食品( takeout的第三人称单数 )


stakes out───监视;立桩标出;派警察监视

makes out───理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付

take out───v.取出;去掉;出发;发泄;把…带出去;邀请(某人)外出;开始

taken out───vt.取出,拿出

flakes out───入睡;昏倒

shakes out───抖出;打开

stares out───盯得(某人)再不敢对视下去

takes root───v.生根,扎根

teases out───梳理


A tornado takes out your warehouse.───一场龙卷风将你的仓库夷为平地。

So the Swallow takes out the Prince's other eye.───于是小燕子衔出了快乐王子另一只蓝宝石做的眼睛.

If she takes out a certain person, they [ BO ] will believe her.───如果她 杀 掉某一人, 组织将会相信她.

Ocelot: Watch closely . ( takes out three revolvers )───Ocelot: 看清楚了. ( 手里总共三把左轮 )

Zack takes out his trumpet and plays it while everyone sings.───扎克拿出他的喇叭伴奏,大家唱歌.

If you do stop, she takes out her tracts and begins to speak.───然而,如果你停下了脚步, 她就会拿出那些小册子聒噪起来.

He takes out a reflector to have more light for his photographs.───他取出反光板,给照相加强亮度.

He takes out his self - made wickerwork and sells it.───他将 自制 的柳编成品拿来出售.

The shop girl takes out a scarf.───女店员又拿出一条围巾.

The experience takes out by the essence of pain.───经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的.

The girl takes out the piggy bank at home.───女孩在家,拿出储蓄罐.

After fracture operation, the spring that takes out consolidate character?───骨折手术后, 取出加固骨头的钢板 吗 ?

He stops by a river and takes out his fishing rod.───他在河边停下来,拿出他的鱼杆.

She takes out a life insurance policy.───上交了一份伪造的保险书.

She takes out the washing on Monday morning, and brings it in on Friday evening.───她星期一早上把要洗的衣服拿走,星期五晚上再把洗好的衣服拿回来。

He takes out your crayons.───拿出你们的蜡笔。

He takes out a lot of money inside the bank.───他从银行里取出很多钱.

She takes out a life insurance policy or a house insurance policy.───她投了人寿保险或房屋保险.


The shop girl takes out a scarf.

Reaching up to a cupboard he takes out a jar and twists the lid off.

She takes out another donut, breaks it in half and offers it to me.

The receiving end link takes out the 0 s.

Blue takes out his own notebook and writes: Feb. 3, 3 P. M. Black writing at his desk.

She walks back to her desk, takes out a large yellow box of chocolates and passes them around the room.

The girl takes out the piggy bank at home.

Son Mladen takes out the whistles, the coffee-can noisemaker and the flashlight.

When the houses are up, the co-operative takes out a real loan with a building society.

  • takes bus
  • takes time
  • takes out
  • takes a photo
  • takes over




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