

词汇 study show
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study showed───研究显示

sky show───天空秀

slide show───放映幻灯片;幻影式的

stage show───舞台演出

strip show───脱衣舞表演;每周两次以上同一节目

study room───书房;自习室;教室

stuff shot───拍摄的东西

stand a show───较小机会

comedy show───喜剧节目


What does the Indiana University study show?───印第安纳州学生的研究表明了什么?

Coronary angiograms (X-Rays) of the patients in my study show an actual reversal of the disease.───心脏病患者的冠状动脉造影(X射线)显示经过我的治疗后,其病情显著好转。

The benefits for your brain found in this study show that meditation benefits nearly every part of the brain.───这个研究表明冥想对大脑的好处几乎体现在大脑的每一个部分。

The results of the simulation study show that the APRA is able to find the best route in a short time.───通过仿真实验可知,APRA算法能够在较短的时间内找到最优路径。

The results of the study show that this translated text well reflects the bi-directional interaction between translation and power.───研究结果表明,该译本准确反映出翻译与权力之间的这种互动。

Further analysis and study show that, there exist mutual influences between occupation selection efficiency and occupation selection value.───进一步分析研究表明,择业效能感和择业价值观之间存在着相互影响。

Five other medium-sized Chinese cities that are part of a separate study show similar results, says Mr Au.───其他5个中型中国城市也是这一单独研究的一部分,但结果也类似,Au先生说道。

The results from the American study show that over a period of 7 to 10 years, screening did not reduce the death rate in men 55 and over.───美国的研究显示,该检测方法并没有减少55岁以上男性在未来七到十年内的死亡率。

Study show that new multi-V pulley forming process can better product quality, reducing production costs and improve production efficiency.───研究表明,采用多楔轮成形新工艺在改善产品质量的同时,还降低了生产成本,提高了生产效率。


Exploring factor analysis and empirical study show that service quality includes three factors-instruction, tangibility and reliability-in Chin's higher educational sector.

The results of simulation and study show that transient - based busbar protection has fine feasibility and prospect.

However, the findings of this study show there is no room for complacency.

Results of this case study show that the approach can reduce system restart recover time as much as possible and improve system availability.

Results from a 10-year study show that bisexuality in women is not a transitional phase enroute to lesbianism, but rather a distinct and long-term sexual orientation.

The results of study show that the burning of gas - diesel - fuel engine has some special characteristics.

Further study show that glioblastoma cells contained a little cancer stem-like cells, which have capacity of self-renewal, differentiation and in vivo tumorigenecity.

The study show that chitosan extracted from silkworm chrysalis has high degree of deacetylation, consistent with requirements of pharmaceutical chitosan production.

Furthermore, the results of this study show that a loss of bone primarily affects the connectedness and overall number of trabeculae.

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