坚持(工作、任务等); 不放弃; 停止; 踌躇
sticks at───v.坚持;犹豫;努力做
stuck at───v.坚持;犹豫;努力做
stick out───突出;坚持;醒目
pick at───吃得很少;挑毛病;指责
stick by───忠于;坚持
stick to───v.坚持;粘住
stick up───竖起;伸直;突出
He flourished his stick at the boy.───他朝那个男孩挥舞棍棒.
I never stick at small difficulties.───我从来不为小困难而气馁.
He waved the stick at them.───他向他们挥动手杖.
The old man brandished his walking stick at the menacing dog.───老人对着那条要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓它走.
You must stick at it if you want to succeed.───如果你想成功的话,你就必须坚持下去.
He became more and more irritated by her inability to stick at anything.───他对她做任何事都会半途而废感到越来越恼火。
If we stick at it, we should finish the job today.───我们要是接着干下去, 今天就能把这项工作做完.
There are as many taverns as you can shake a stick at.───有无数小酒馆.
Don't stick at your books all day.───别整天抱着书.
A capitalist will not stick at any meanness in making money.───只要能赚钱,资本家什么卑鄙的勾当都干得出来.
If there is one man I can't stick at any price it's the army crammers.───倘使有个人使我绝对忍受不了,那他就是陆军教员.
I'll stick at the job until I've finished it.───我要坚持把这个工作做完.
He doesn't stick at trifles.───他不拘小节.
If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.───要想练好一种乐器,你必须持之以恒。
You will find it hard at first, but stick at it.───你会发现刚开始时有点难,但要坚持下去。
How long they are prepared to stick at it if Colonel Qaddafi hang on?───如果卡扎菲上校一直负隅顽抗,他们准备坚持多久?
Don't stick at trifles.───对小事情不必犹豫不决.
- stick up
- stickleback def
- stickler syndrome
- stick of joy
- sticks to
- stick to do
- sticky end
- stick words
- sticky mac
- stick man
- sticker paper
- stickleback fly
- sticky rice
- stick tape
- stick wam
- stick around
- sticking with
- stick to doing
- sticky delicious
- sticking to
- sticky bubble gum