

词汇 stands up
释义 stands up
stands up发音



stand up───v.站起来;坚持;竖立;站得住脚;拥护

stands out───突出;站出来;坚持到底;坚决反对

lands up───到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞

sends up───射出;使上升;长出;检举;提出;判决入狱

stacks up───堆积;累计;加起来

stand ups───v.站起来;坚持;竖立;站得住脚;拥护


stands by───支持;袖手旁观;准备;站在旁边

stands in───定位替身;代演员站位


But the internet ensures that the law of defamation now threatens anyone who stands up for what he believes to be right.───但是,互联网确保了诽谤法现在威胁到每一个坚持自己信念的人。

One beautiful spring evening, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.───美好的春天的夜晚,饥饿的狼晚餐。它看见小山羊,那只小山羊站在一座陡峭的山上。

Don't you see that each time he falls down; he stands up again instead of crying? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have.───你不认为他每次摔倒,他站起来而不是哭泣吗?这种勇气就是你想要他拥有的。

It will be interesting to see what direction the new DSM is going in, and whether it stands up to analysis.───观察这新的DSM往哪个方向走将变得非常有趣,无论他能否经得起分析。

Her ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .───她能在逆境中站起来,有很大一部分原因就是阿希礼。

at intervals she stands up to rest , and to retie her disarranged apron , or to pull her bonnet straight.───她时而站起来休息一会儿,把弄乱了的围裙重新系好,或者把头上戴的帽子拉拉整。


As the patient stands up, he practises bringing the ball back towards him by bending his elbows with good control.

She feels dizzy when she stands up.

A boy who has good manners stands up in an automatic movement when a lady enters the room.

He stands up for women's rights.

Their attitude scarcely stands up to scrutiny.

A strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others.

Fortunately, it stands up to scrutiny.

The flycatcher stands up more stiffly.

As he stands up, he turns his face away from her so that she won't see his tears.





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