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词汇 stand aside
释义 stand aside
stand aside发音


站到一边; 起开


stands aside───站开;躲开,避开

stood aside───站开;躲开,避开

standing aside───站开;躲开,避开

to stand aside───站在一边

laid aside───搁置;储蓄;留存

step aside───避开,回避;让开

steps aside───避开,回避;让开

casting aside───抛弃;废除

setting aside───留出;驳回,撤销;不顾


Are you going to stand aside?───你要退出竞选 吗 ?

Stand aside and let us pass!───站开,让我们过去!

Lest I should confuse you with the crowd, you stand aside.───只恐我把你和大家混在一起, 你独自站在一边.

Stand aside and let these people pass.───靠边站,让这些人过去.

Stand aside and let these people pass.───闪开,让这些人过去。

She brings the message of God to Charles; and The Church must stand aside.───她替上帝给查理传达旨意, 教会得靠边站.

Stand aside , please. The motorcade of the President is coming.───请让一让, 总统的车队开过来了.

Stand aside and let us past!───闪开,让我们过去!

The President said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing.───总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样做。

Don't stand aside and let others do all the work.───不要什麽都不干,事情都让别人做.

Don't stand aside and let others do all the work.───不要袖手旁观,工作都让别人去做。

Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them.───然后您就站一边儿偷笑吧,公众舆论将予以处置.

He decided to stand aside.───他决定站在人民一边.

No man could stand aside in such a condition.───在这种情况下,不会有人袖手旁观的。

You stand aside. Your hand on my shoulder.───鉨站在旁边, 手放在皒肩上.

He decided to stand aside in favour of a better man.───他决定退出来把机会让给比自己强的人.

The key question was whether they would stand aside or would disrupt the elections.───关键问题是他们会袖手旁观还是会扰乱选举。

They were fighting for their independence and we couldn't stand aside.───他们在为自己的独立而斗争,我们不能站在一边袖手旁观.


Stand aside , please. The motorcade of the President is coming.

  • standing down
  • standing order
  • standard model
  • standaloin it
  • stand down
  • standalone errors queue
  • standards for success
  • standard procedure
  • standing ovation
  • standard form
  • stand by man
  • standing in China
  • standing data
  • standingroom spots
  • standing desk
  • stand at
  • stand studio
  • stand watching
  • standardized residuals
  • stand the test of time
  • stand back




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