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词汇 stage by stage
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space stage───太空舞台

take by storm───强夺;完全征服

stage an attack───发动进攻

postage due stamp───邮资到期邮票

arena stage───中心舞台;圆形舞台

early stage───早期,初期

fare stage───票价阶段


Product structure is optimized stage by stage, the actors or actress tea production has big breakthrough.───产品结构逐步优化, 名优茶生产有大的突破.

Therefore, image quality and radiation protection is being concentrated stage by stage in the world.───为此, 影像质量与辐射安全防护问题越来越受到人们的普遍关注.

But these big companies get lost small - sized machine and distributed server stage by stage.───但这些大企业缓缓转向小型机和漫衍式办事器.

Should say lumber market already entered autumn stage by stage now.───应该说现在木材市场已逐步进入成熟期.

Stage - by - stage method plays important function on local damage diagnosis of large - scale structure.───大型工程结构局部发生损伤的情况,分阶段法起到了重要作用.

At algorithm level, the design methodology of stage - by - stage scale factor is studied.───在算法级, 研究了逐级比例因子设计方法.

A variety of evidence make clear, to individual collection charge, moving toward reality stage by stage.───种种迹象表明, 向个人收取费用, 正在逐步走向现实.

Aviation safety standard rises stage by stage.───航空安全水平逐步提高.

Another kind is to happen in the new student be born 2-3 Queen of heaven just is formed apparently stage by stage, feel with the hand also feel soft, but oppress with finger without cave appear.───另一种是发生在新生儿出生2 - 3天后才逐步明显形成,用手摸也感到柔软,但用手指压迫无凹陷出现。

Current, the situation of carriage market already turned to's market stage by stage from seller's market.───当前, 运输市场的形势已从卖方市场逐步转向了买方市场.

Before we outline some of their ground-breaking conclusions, let'sset the stage by looking at some of the traditional problems and dilemmas facedby most medical and health-care professionals.───在我们描绘出一些“划时代”的结论之前,让我们先设定一个台阶,看看一些被大多数医疗和检查健康的教授认为的传统医疗问题和困境。

You can search stage - by - stage according to the classification of web stations.───你可以按其对网站的分类逐步查找.

After joining WTO, chinese economy will blend in global economy stage by stage in the loop.───加入了WTO后, 中国经济将逐步融入全球经济循环之中.

But now, they already began to value Chinese market stage by stage.───但现在, 他们已开始逐步重视中国市场.

This illumination is gradual ; it is developed stage by stage.───此觉照渐次而生, 他是逐步而有所发展.

The competition of IT already from emphasize a technology changing direction stage by stage emphasize news.───信息技术的竞争已经从强调技术逐步转向强调信息.

After a few months, the menstrual cycle of these women also tends stage by stage consistent.───几个月后, 这些妇女的月经周期也逐步趋于一致.

ratio of the stillbirth and the early neonatal death DE creased one stage by one stage.───各阶段死产和早期新生儿死亡比率呈逐阶段性下降。


A stage by stage parallel compression system model is developed for predicting aerodynamic stability in the multi stage axial compressors with inlet steady state pressure and temperature distortions.

A stage by stage mathematical model of the compressor in a turbojet engine is developed based on the control volume theory.

A large cavalry patrol moved across it stage by stage like bedbugs across a clean sheet.

Our country should raise civil residence architectural stage by stage door window class, let common people have a more comfortable surroundings .

Stage by stage, the whole complex life cycle of the parasite was worked out.

Stage by stage,[] they were getting close to the intersection.

Face climb the oil price that raise stage by stage, airline is eager to casting off the plane with these fuel small efficiency.

The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage.

By using overlays, one can build up a picture stage by stage.

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