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词汇 spot in
释义 spot in
spot in发音



spot on───准确的

spot fine───现场罚款

spot line───吊挂绳


got in───进入

opt in───选择参加

pot on───v.移到大的盆子


The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary.───主人说那只鸟可能是从鸟舍的一个薄弱处逃出去的。

was a sea of faces on every scenic spot in China during Spring Festival.───春节期间,中国的每一个景点都是人山人海。

The win last week was the only bright spot in their last ten games.───上周的胜利是他们最近十场比赛中唯一振奋人心的一次。

Also, there was mistakenly printed a large "hickey" or spot in one of the City of Hope circles in the center of the front panel.───此外,还有一个大“吻痕”或点被误印在了其中一份希望城市圆,在前面的中央位置。

This was it. This was the most beautiful spot in the world to me, somewhere to call home for me and my son.───对我来说这就是世界上最美的地方,一个可以让我和我至亲的儿子称为家的地方。

It might be helpful to include the style ID in the name so that it's easy to spot in your dropdown list.───在名称输入框中为您的页面风格ID起一个名字有利于您在下拉列表中查找。

I'll be in solid meetings for the next few days, so 8: 00 a. m. was the only free spot in my calendar to get this done.───接下去的几天里我都会很忙,因此早上8:00是我的日历上我唯一有空做这件事的时间。

Despite the downgrade, "China is a relative bright spot in an otherwise gloomy global economy, " said the World Bank's David Dollar.───尽管降级,“中国是一个相对的亮点,在一个暗淡的全球经济中说,”世界银行的杜大伟。

Indeed, Item said the only real bright spot in its forecast was that it saw exports rebuilding sharply after the falls of early 2009.───事实上,该俱乐部表示,其预测报告中的唯一亮点是,它认为出口水平将在2009年初下降后大幅回升。


How splendid, they have a warm spot in their hearts for those suffering from messianic delusion.

Ashi found herself rooted to the spot in disbelief as she watched the threshing legs of her daughter.

Although they've ended up at the same spot in their careers, they progressed through the minors at different rates.

It was a solitary spot in a fold between two hills.

The computer industry is the one bright spot in the economy at the moment.

Malplacket found a shady spot in the wadi and sat down to write his will.

The record quickly reached the number one spot in the charts.

It has been ousted from top spot in the TV ratings.

Central London is the most polluted spot in Britain.

  • spot bud
  • spot checking
  • spotlbe out
  • spot dog
  • spotted owl
  • spot in
  • spot rate
  • spot exchange
  • spotlessly clean
  • spot for
  • spotter arms do not fit
  • spotted fever
  • spotted ratings
  • spotty dog
  • spot weld




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