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spoken for───v.表明;代表……讲话;要求得到

spoil for───渴望

spoke to───证明;对……说话;责备

spoiled for───宠坏了

spoken word───口头语言

speaks for───要求得到;代表…讲话

spoils for───渴望

spoilt for───渴望

be spoken for───已有人拥有所有权的;已被预订的


She spoke for 20 minutes without interruption.───她连续讲了20分钟。

All gazed, nobody spoke for a moment.───大家都注视着,一时间谁也没有说话。

Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward," he began, then spoke for two minutes before leaving the room.───今天早晨,自由被一个无名懦夫袭击了。” 以此作为开始,他做了两分钟的讲话,随后离开了会议室。

Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, spoke for many earlier this year when he said the war was lost.───参议员多数党领袖哈里•里德,在年初代表大多数人讲话,宣布伊拉克战争失败。

Harrison spoke for more than one and a half hours. He gave the speech outside, on the front steps of the Capitol building.───哈里森站在国会大厦外面的第一个台阶上发表了长达一个半小时的就职演说。

We spoke for a few minutes, and I asked him a question he answered as if it were theoretical.───我们交谈几分钟后,我问了他一个问题,而他的回答就好像这个问题是理论性的。

Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen.───连首相斯坦利·巴尔德温也不行--他代表国家说英国不想让一个离过婚的美国人成为王后。

David Cameron agreed that corporate greed should be curbed, and said the archbishop spoke "for the whole country" in saying so.───戴维-卡梅伦同意要抑制金融企业的贪心,并且说了大主教讲过的“为了整个国家”这样的话。

Mr. Brilliant spoke for a while about religion and different paths to belief, and then asked Mr. Jobs what was wrong.───布里恩于是就宗教和信仰谈论了一番,随后便问乔布斯是不是出了什么事。


I spoke for the hotel next Sunday.

They spoke for the same seat.

She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.

They spoke for over two hours.

She spoke for an hour without a pause.

The chairman spoke for half an hour at the meeting.

He spoke for the motion.

Nobody spoke for at least five minutes and Rachel squirmed in her chair with embarrassment.

He spoke for too long, as is his wont.

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