

词汇 special machine
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seeding machine───[农机]播种机

sewing machine───缝纫机;[印刷]锁线装订机

spin machine───纺纱机

infernal machine───地狱机器

special handling───特殊处理;(美)邮包快递

spraying machine───[农机]喷洒机

stocking machine───槌打式缩绒机


A traveller can know his location with a special machine.───旅行者也可以通过这个系统知道自己的位置.

This special machine is used in processing the plastic vein infusion tube.───该专机用于加工一次性静脉输液器上的塑料软管。

You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.───这可以用手或用这个特殊的机器给车胎打气.

A special machine with scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) used was designed for three point bending test.───设计了一种可用扫描电镜 ( SEM ) 动态观察、专门用于三点弯曲试验的特殊装置.

The special machine with module design has the function automatic rotating, automatic clamping and automatic drilling.───该专机采用模块化设计,具有自动转位、夹紧装置和自动钻孔功能, 易于操作.

The pattern of thin lines is made by a very special machine.───细线的模式由非常非凡的机器制作.

The application, the structure and principle of the special machine were introduced.───介绍了某专用多轴钻床的用途 、 结构特点及原理等.

I have a special machine , Centerless Grinder and its surrounding the operation imported high - precision equipment gets.───同时我司还经营进口高精度无心磨床及其周边的配套设备耗材等.

Main types of transmission lines, special machine tools, special equipment.───主营各类传送生产线, 专用机床, 专用设备.

Design and manufacturing of special machine and self feeder for the CNC mass production.───量产用CNC化专用机及自动送料装置之设计制造.

A special machine helped them collect between 50 and 100 possibly undiscovered species of marine life.───他们有一台特别的机器,帮他们捞起了五十至一百种可能尚未发现的海洋生物.

The patients can fetch report sheets with health ID card or bar codes a special machine.───该系统使用后,在各候诊室,病人使用就诊卡或条码就可自助拿取报告单.

They bought a special machine for baling.───他们买了个专门的打包机。

Vertical spraying trolley is a special machine for spraying of different bearings with even coating layers.───立式喷涂车是喷涂各种曲轴类零件的喷涂专用机床,能得到均匀涂层.

The coffee beans should be crushed up by special machine.───咖啡豆应该用专门的机器来碾碎。

If resin lenses are produced by special machine , the cost shall be raised steeply.───树脂镜片如果用昂贵的专机生产, 势必增加成本.


A traveller can know his location with a special machine. And, there are many other uses.

I have a special machine , Centerless Grinder and its surrounding the operation imported high - precision equipment gets.

A special machine helped them collect between 50 and 100 possibly undiscovered species of marine life.

A special machine with scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) used was designed for three point bending test.

He used a special machine to round off the corners of the old table.

The CNC Spring Forming Machine is a special machine for producing springs, while key-press panel is a operating interface for controlling the spring forming machines.

A special machine coats the nuts with chocolate.

The mirror when its polished by the special machine, It has the property of super anti - dirty .

Vertical spraying trolley is a special machine for spraying of different bearings with even coating layers.

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