speaking voices───说话的声音
speaking role───演讲角色
singing voice───歌喉;歌声
speaking clock───电话报时服务
speaking for───要求得到;代表…讲话
speaking out───大声地说(speaking是speak的现在分词)
speaking roles───口语角色
speaking to───证明;对……说话;责备
speaking tube───n.房间与房间之间的通话管(等于speakingtrumpet)
speaking voice, by contrast, is something idiosyncratic, irregular, particular.───相反地,说话的声音是与众不同的,不规律的,特别的。
She has a beautiful speaking voice.───她说话的音色很美。
They even felt my speaking voice had changed its tone.───他们甚至感到我说话的音调也变了。
Her speaking voice was thin, light and high, an ant's voice, as she thought of it.───发言时,她声音变得又细又尖又轻,“像蚂蚁一样”。
The resultant noise will sound less like the pitch of a nervous mouse and more like a normal speaking voice.───这样你的声音就不会听起来过于紧张而更像一种自然说话声音。
He's got a great speaking voice, which is to be expected considering his position.───他的演讲声音极佳,鉴于他的地位,这也在意料之中。
317 words and 645 sentences are required to be recorded in a normal speaking voice using a USB headset in a quiet room.───317个单词和645句都必须在一个正常说话的声音录在一个安静的房间使用一个USB耳机。
The closer you come to your most natural speaking voice, the better your copy will be.───你越接近最自然的语言表达习惯,你的稿子就越好。
His speaking voice , a gruff husky tenor , added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed .───他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。
Already, we have technology that can take text and translate it into a computerized speaking voice.
She has a beautiful speaking voice.
His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed.
She has a gorgeously warm speaking voice.
- speaking please
- speaking english
- speaking for communication
- speaking ability
- speaking chinese