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词汇 sole purpose
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on purpose───有目的地,故意地

to purpose───达到目的

to the purpose───中肯的;合适地

to no purpose───毫无效果地,完全徒劳无益




serve a purpose───有用;有一定用处

to repurpose───改变用途


In American law, you cannot terminate an employee, for the sole purpose of age.───在美国法律中,你不能仅仅因为年龄而解雇员工。

You might create the plug-in with the sole purpose of deploying the profile, or the profile could be added to an existing plug-in where it will be just one of many artifacts.───您可以创建以部署概要文件的单一目的来创建插件,或者这个概要文件可以添加到一个现存的插件中,在这里它仅仅是众多构件中的一个。

He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.───他想建立一种制度,这种制度的唯一目的就是让奴隶成为完美的工人。

For years it had been my sole purpose to get accepted into a top institution.───之前的许多年,进一个顶尖的大学是我唯一的目标。

Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I will try still harder to make others happy.───最后,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福——似乎那是人生惟一的目标;与之相反,我会更加努力,让他人幸福。

The IRS claims the sole purpose of these transactions was to generate artificial foreign tax credits, which the banks deny.───美国国税局称,这些交易的唯一目的就是制造人为的外国税收抵免,但银行对此予以否认。

All this for a sole purpose: getting just the right balance of ripeness.───这所有的一切都只为获取成熟度理想的葡萄颗粒。

There is nothing wrong with being productive but it is unhealthy to make productivity the sole purpose of your life.───有效率的做事是无可厚非的,但把这作为生活的唯一目标就糟糕了。

Its sole purpose was to serve as a delivery mechanism for missiles armed with particle disintegrator warheads.───这个巨型炮管的唯一用途就是作为配备有粒子分解弹头的导弹的传送装置。更详细。


The story has been sensationalized for the sole purpose of selling newspapers.

The sole purpose of marriage, then, is to bear and raise kids?

The sole purpose of his trip was to attend a concert at Carnegie Hall.

That is their sole purpose - to strengthen desirable behaviour.

The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.

Their sole purpose was to kill, by any means, provided the end result was the death of the chosen victim.

Letters whose sole purpose is to make a political point will not be published.

Her sole purpose in being here was to kill some time.

Its sole purpose was the development of the Sturmabteilungen.

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