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词汇 soldier on
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soldiers on───继续服役;坚持着干;迎着困难干

soldiered on───继续服役;坚持着干;迎着困难干

soldier ant───兵蚁

soldiering on───继续服役;坚持着干;迎着困难干

to soldier on───继续战斗

soldier ants───兵蚁

soldier fly───水虻

border on───接界;相邻于;近似于

holding on───留住(歌曲名)


S. does not have one soldier on the ground in that country.───巴马在他的演讲中也提到美国在利比亚的土地上没有一兵一卒。

The soldier on guard challenged the stranger asas she appeared.───当陌生人一出现,哨兵就对她盘问.

I decided to soldier on.───我决定再难了要干到底.

If there is a soldier on the rails, he will be crushed.───如果轨道上有一名士兵的话, 他将会被轧死.

His intention was to soldier on in office for up to two years.───他的意图是要继续坚持任职两年.

He doesn't like the job but he'll soldier on until the work is done.───他虽不喜欢这差事,但他会继续坚持下去,直到做完为止.

There was a broken soldier on the floor, and a cap on the table.───破酒瓶在地板上, 瓶盖却在桌上.

It's hard to soldier on when all you seem to meet is failure and defeat.───当你遇到的似乎全是失败和挫折时,要不畏艰难地继续干下去是很难的.

If he wants to soldier on to the (probably bitter) end, better to go down honestly.───要是想要最后走的时候做点实事,现在最好就老老实实地干活。

Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.───海军陆战队经常在最艰难的情况下仍要勇敢前进.

If that worked, we should say hooray! If not, we will soldier on to the next step.───如果成功了,我们应该说万岁!如果没有,我们将坚持到下一步。

The Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.───海军陆战队通常在最艰难的情况下,仍要勇敢前进.

Yes, it's not easy soldier on.───当然, 坚持下去是十分困难的.


The larger ones hope to soldier on as independent producers.

Yes, it's not easy to soldier on.

Yonatan Barnea also was a soldier on his way back to base when he died.

We'll just have to soldier on without him.

His partner left and he had to soldier on alone.

Those you run into may not, but you soldier on.

I decided to soldier on.

Yes, it's not easy soldier on.

Charles was asked to soldier on as Sayle's assistant.

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  • soldier of fortune
  • soldiery columbus
  • soldier hate




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