

词汇 social process
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social processes───社会历程,社会过程

social problems───社会问题

formal process───正式程序

Solvay process───索耳未法

appeal process───上诉程序

legal process───法律手续;诉讼程序

social orders───社会秩序

social phobias───社交恐惧症

social problem───社会问题


from sociological aspects, the process of education is a social process.───从社会学层面看,教育过程是一个社会过程。

Technology innovation diffusion is a social process.───技术创新扩散是社会性过程。

acquisition of knowledge is a social process.───知识的获取是一种社会性的活动。

Globalization is not a people's will in the social process, is inherently contradictory and two-sided dynamic development process.───全球化是不以人的意志为转移的社会进程,又是具有内在矛盾性和两面性的动态发展过程。

Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.───教育是一个社会化成长过程;教育不是人生的起始准备阶段,教育就是人生。

Curriculum theory emphasizes the interdependence of knowledge and values and stresses the importance of learning as a social process.───课程发展理论则强调知识和伦理价值之间的关系,强调学习是一个社会化的过程。

The degree of industries' relevancy and technologies' dependence is increased day by day in the social process of modern mass producing.───在现代社会化大生产过程中,产业关联度和技术依存度日益增强,单项技术的突破已不能独柱擎天。

The Government information is at a key and core position in the national economy and social process.───在国民经济和社会信息化过程中,政府信息化处在关键和核心的位置。

The art is implanted into the individuals and the depth of the social process roots. Which layer in our memory the folded plane is hiding?───艺术已植入个体生命与社会进程的根系深处,而此刻这个折叠的平面又藏在了记忆的第几层。

  • social work service center
  • socialists eg nyt crossword
  • social occasion
  • social man
  • socialist country
  • social impact
  • social relations
  • social entrepreneurship
  • social workers
  • socialists meaning
  • social rank
  • social democracy
  • socialists def
  • social movement
  • social sciences
  • social network
  • social reformer
  • social event
  • social capital
  • social structure and anomie
  • socially distanced




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